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ESD Gun Safety: Best Practices for Handling and Operating ESD Guns
09 Jul, 2023 577 Author: Raza Rabbani

ESD Gun Safety: Best Practices for Handling and Operating ESD Guns

Introduction: In electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing, electrostatic discharge (ESD) guns are used to determine how vulnerable electronic components and systems are to ESD. Protecting both people and machinery from the risks posed by ESD guns is of the utmost importance during ESD testing. Safe testing procedures, including the use of electrostatic discharge (ESD) guns, are discussed. Familiarize...

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Theory of Using Aluminum and An Integrating Sphere in Photometry
09 Jul, 2023 327 Author: Ellen Liu

Theory of Using Aluminum and An Integrating Sphere in Photometry

I. Definition of an integrating sphere: An integrating sphere is an empty, hollow cavity covered with a diffuse, white reflective coating, also known as a photopic ball or flux ball. There is one or more holes on the wall for entering light and for placing the light receiver. The inner wall of the integrating sphere should be a good spherical surface; usually the deviation from the ideal sphere is...

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Spectral Goniophotometer LED Tester
08 Jul, 2023 492 Author: root

Spectral Goniophotometer LED Tester

According to the National Market Supervision and Administration and National Standardization Technology Commission announced, the National Lighting Electrical Standardization Technical Committee Light Radiation Measurement Branch of the National Lighting Appliance Standardization Technical Committee is responsible for the implementation of and the National Lighting Electrical Standardization Techn...

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Integrating Sphere Measurements and LED Lamp Testing Equipment: Advancing in Lighting Technology
08 Jul, 2023 420 Author: Rachel He

Integrating Sphere Measurements and LED Lamp Testing Equipment: Advancing in Lighting Technology

Integrating sphere overview: 1. Integrating sphere testing is utilized to measure the optical parameters of a light source and its accessories in order to better understand and control the quality and performance of the light source. An integrating sphere is a miniature spherical optical environment which is lined with a reflective coating that has nearly ideal diffuse reflectance properties. Any...

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Broadband EMI Testing: Exploring the Capabilities of Modern EMI Test Receivers
08 Jul, 2023 460 Author: Raza Rabbani

Broadband EMI Testing: Exploring the Capabilities of Modern EMI Test Receivers

Introduction: The reliable functioning of electronic equipment across industries relies heavily on electromagnetic interference testing. The growth of wireless technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems have made it crucial to develop thorough and effective EMI testing procedures. Broadband EMI testing is made possible by the sophisticated features of today’s EMI test rece...

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Exploring the Applications of High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Systems in Material Sciences
08 Jul, 2023 419 Author: Raza Rabbani

Exploring the Applications of High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Systems in Material Sciences

Introduction The material sciences, among others, have benefited greatly from the use of high precision spectroradiometer integrating sphere systems. These devices provide precise spectrum measurements, allowing for in-depth analysis of materials’ optical characteristics. Material characterization, quality control, and the furtherance of research and development are just few of the many area...

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The Benefits of Using an EMI Test and EMI Receiver
07 Jul, 2023 450 Author: Ellen Liu

The Benefits of Using an EMI Test and EMI Receiver

I.Basic knowledge of EMI receiver EMI receiver, also known as Electromagnetic Interference Measurement Instrument, is the most widely used and basic measuring instrument in electromagnetic compatibility test. It is essentially a tuned measuring instrument which can selectively identify the pre-set frequency components from the interference signals received from the sensors, and display and record ...

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Evaluating the Effect of Environmental Factors on the Performance of Portable Spectrophotometers for Remote Sensing Applications: A Study of Reflectance Measurements
07 Jul, 2023 481 Author: Raza Rabbani

Evaluating the Effect of Environmental Factors on the Performance of Portable Spectrophotometers for Remote Sensing Applications: A Study of Reflectance Measurements

The process of collecting data from a distant location utilizing a variety of sensing equipment, such as portable spectrophotometers, is referred to as remote sensing. This is a technique that has been around for quite some time. Applications that need distant sensing are increasingly turning to make use of portable spectrophotometers as a consequence of their mobility as well as their high level ...

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Ensuring Safety and Reliability: Best Practices for Conducting the Glow Wire Test
07 Jul, 2023 487 Author: Raza Rabbani

Ensuring Safety and Reliability: Best Practices for Conducting the Glow Wire Test

Introduction The Glow Wire Test is an essential tool for gauging the safety of electrical and electronic components in the event of a fire. This test must be carried out in accordance with all applicable safety regulations and industry standards to protect people, preserve the reliability of testing equipment, and guarantee accurate and trustworthy findings. In this article, we’ll take a loo...

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