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Needle Flame Test Analysis with a Needle Flame Tester
12 Jun, 2023 682 Author: Rachel He

Needle Flame Test Analysis with a Needle Flame Tester

The flame test is one of the commonly used methods to evaluate the fire danger of electrical and electronic products. GB/T 5169.5-2020 “Test Fire Five – Test Flame Needle Flame Test Method Equipment, Confirm Test Method and Guide” as the latest version of the standard, after four revisions, clearly defines the purpose of the test is to determine that under the specified condition...

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Choosing The Right Portable Color Spectrophotometer For Your Needs
11 Jun, 2023 540 Author: Cherry Shen

Choosing The Right Portable Color Spectrophotometer For Your Needs

With the development of science and technology, more and more people begin to pay attention to the detection of color quality, especially in industries such as coatings, fabrics, packaging, building materials, plastics, and electronic products. In order to meet the various needs of customers, portable spectrophotometer is a common color detection instrument that has been widely used in more indus...

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How to Conduct Accurate Humidity and Temperature Testing with the Right Equipment
11 Jun, 2023 542 Author: Cherry Shen

How to Conduct Accurate Humidity and Temperature Testing with the Right Equipment

The Temperature Humidity Chamber is a kind of humidity testing equipment , used to test the range of material structure and composite materials that can be tolerated in a continuous environment of extremely low temperature or high temperature, and to test the chemical change damage caused by thermal expansion and contraction. instrument. Equipment capable of testing correctly for chamber temperat...

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Choosing the Right High And Low Temperature Chamber for Your Testing Needs
11 Jun, 2023 505 Author: Cherry Shen

Choosing the Right High And Low Temperature Chamber for Your Testing Needs

High and low temperature chambers are widely used in various industries such as electronics, electronics, aviation, chemical, military, etc. However, the testing requirements for products in different industries are not the same. So how to choose the appropriate high and low temperature chamber equipment for oneself? Temperature range selection: In order to meet the testing requirements of differ...

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Harnessing the Power of Surge Generators and Surge Generator Testers for Maximum Efficiency
11 Jun, 2023 504 Author: Ellen Liu

Harnessing the Power of Surge Generators and Surge Generator Testers for Maximum Efficiency

I.Electric equipment’s reaction to lightning surge Most people are familiar with the existence of a lightning surge generator. It is mainly used to evaluate the surge resistance of railway signal equipment connected to the power line. But do you know what the implications of a lightning surge would be for electronic devices? Here is a brief explanation of the effect a lightning surge can have on...

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Spectrum Analyzers for EMC Testing: Analyzing Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electronic Devices
11 Jun, 2023 689 Author: Raza Rabbani

Spectrum Analyzers for EMC Testing: Analyzing Electromagnetic Compatibility in Electronic Devices

Introduction When designing and developing electrical equipment, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) considerations must be given considerable attention. It is essential to check that electronic devices perform as anticipated in the electromagnetic environment to which they are exposed. Spectrum analyzers are an essential component of EMC testing, and they allow engineers to investigate and evalua...

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How Surge Generators Protect Electrical Equipment from Voltage Spikes
11 Jun, 2023 585 Author: Raza Rabbani

How Surge Generators Protect Electrical Equipment from Voltage Spikes

Introduction Voltage spikes, also known as transient overvoltages, pose a particular threat to electrical and electronic equipment because of their susceptibility to them. These sudden increases in voltage only persist for a few seconds and may be brought on by a variety of factors, including lightning, switching processes, or difficulties with the power system itself. Surge generators, which are ...

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Innovative Features and Applications of UV Aging Test Chambers
10 Jun, 2023 527 Author: Cherry Shen

Innovative Features and Applications of UV Aging Test Chambers

The UV aging test chamber is mainly used to simulate the destructive effects of sunlight, humidity, and temperature on materials. The ultraviolet aging test chamber simulates sunlight, condensation, and natural humidity. The sample is tested in a simulated environment for a few days or weeks, which can reproduce the damage that may occur outdoors for several months or years. Application of UV agi...

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Using ESD Gun Test Equipment to Ensure Proper Generator ESD Protection
10 Jun, 2023 553 Author: Cherry Shen

Using ESD Gun Test Equipment to Ensure Proper Generator ESD Protection

ESD is the abbreviation of Electrostatic discharge, which stands for electrostatic discharge. It refers to a sudden electric current between two objects with different electric potentials. This current flow occurs when an object builds up static electricity and comes into contact with another object that has a different electrical potential. ESD can be generated by various sources such as frictio...

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