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04 Oct, 2023 742 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

Principles of Goniophotometry: Understanding the Basics

Goniophotometry is a tried-and-true approach that may be used to evaluate the spatial dispersion of the output of a luminaire. Because it enables accurate characterization and evaluation of many types of light sources, it is a very helpful tool in lighting design.

This article’s objective is to provide the reader with a solid understanding of the principles of goniophotometry by providing specific information about the basic concepts, measurement parameters, and equipment that are used in the process.

When lighting professionals have a solid understanding of the foundations of goniophotometry, they are better equipped to develop lighting designs and make more informed judgements.

The Basics of Goniophotometry
Combining the definitions of the words “gonio,” which means “angle,” with “photometry,” which means “measurement of light,” results in the name “goniophotometry.” The basic objective of goniophotometry is to identify how the intensity and direction of light from a certain source or fixture varies with the observer’s distance from the light.

This may be accomplished by comparing the brightness and direction of light with the observer’s distance from the light. Using this newly acquired information on the spatial distribution of light, one is able to generate more precise projections for illuminance levels, light quality, and visual comfort.

When taking goniophotometric readings, a goniophotometer is required to do the job. Control mechanisms precisely position the detector in respect to the source, and a photodetector or array of detectors in a goniophotometer capture the light coming from the rotating platform.

In order to minimize the impact that ambient light has on the results of the readings, measurements are often carried out in a pitch-black room or in a specially designed testing chamber.

Measurement Parameters
In order to completely define the light source or luminaire, goniophotometric tests assess a number of critical factors. A few examples are:

Luminous Intensity: The amount of light that is coming from a certain direction may be described by its luminous intensity, which is expressed as a value in candelas (cd). It provides information about the brightness of the luminaire from a variety of directions.

Luminous FluxThe entire amount of visible light that is emitted by a light source is referred to as the luminous flux, and the lumen (lm) is the unit of measurement for luminous flux. It just indicates the overall luminance of the source, not how the light is spread throughout the source.

Spatial Distribution: The difference in light’s intensity that occurs when seen from different angles constitutes its spatial dispersion. It is possible to gain information on the homogeneity and directionality of the light distribution from its presentation, which is often done in the form of a photometric curve or polar diagram. These diagrams are used most frequently.

Color Rendering: Goniophotometry is another method that may be used in order to assess the color rendering capabilities of a luminaire or light source. The accuracy with which a light source reproduces the colors of objects is determined by utilizing a color rendering index (CRI) or similar color metric when comparing it to a reference light source. This is done so in order to determine which light source is more accurate.

Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques
The aforementioned characteristics may be measured precisely by goniophotometers using a variety of methods and devices. The equipment you choose will be determined by things like the kind of light you’ll be working with, the precision you’ll need, and your budget. In the field of goniophotometry, some typical instruments and methods of measurement include:

Rotating Mirror Goniophotometers: In this technique, the light source is placed on a rotating platform, and the data is collected by a stationary detector in a number of different orientations. Both of these applications need for the use of mirrors that are capable of rapid and accurate rotation.

Goniometers: Goniometers are equipped with a spinning detector that is able to collect light from a variety of angles as it goes around the light source. The function of the detector might be carried out by a photodiode, a photomultiplier tube, or a charge-coupled device (CCD) array.

Integrating Spheres: Integrating spheres are used in the process of measuring the total flux emitted by light sources. They were able to provide an average measurement of the entire amount of radiated light by first evenly spreading the light within the sphere and then collecting it using a single detector. Integrating spheres gather data on a light source’s illumination from all angles in order to calculate an overall measurement of the luminous flux produced by the source.

Imaging Goniophotometers: Imaging goniophotometers are equipped with cameras and spectrometers, which allow them to capture photos and analyze light from a range of angles. This technique pinpoints the precise position as well as the color temperature of each particular lighting source.

Goniospectroradiometers: Combining the techniques of goniophotometry and spectroradiometry is what goniospectroradiometers do in order to measure the spectrum power distribution of light coming from a range of different angles. In-depth information on the spatial and spectral features of light sources is provided by them so that they may be thoroughly analyzed.

Calibration and Standardization
For goniophotometric readings to be accurate and reliable, calibration and standardization are both necessary steps that must be taken. It is necessary to calibrate goniophotometers on a regular basis in order to preserve their traceability to national or international standards.

To calibrate a goniophotometer, one must first make a measurement of something, and then compare the result of that measurement to a standard that has already established.

Both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) have contributed to the development of standards and recommendations pertaining to goniophotometry.

These standards outline the methodologies, measurement parameters, and reporting formats that must be adhered to in order to ensure that goniophotometric data is uniform and comparable across all laboratories and enterprises. You can select LISUN for the best goniophotometers.

Applications of Goniophotometry
Goniophotometry may be used in many contexts, from manufacturing to lighting design. Several prominent uses include the following:

Architectural Lighting: Goniophotometry is a tool that may be helpful to architects in their search of optimum lighting for their buildings, both in terms of how well the lighting functions and how aesthetically pleasing the lighting is. It makes possible the manipulation of light emission in a more nuanced manner, which may be utilized to enhance the aesthetic qualities of man-made structures.

Automotive Lighting: Goniophotometry is a crucial instrument for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of any and all lights in a vehicle, including the headlights, taillights, and turn signals. Goniophotometry measures the amount of light emitted by a light source. It checks for compliance with safety rules, assesses visibility, and eliminates glare so that drivers can see better and have a safer driving experience overall.

Horticultural Lighting: In horticulture, goniophotometers are used to evaluate the intensity and color temperature of lighting systems. Horticultural lighting designers may maximize plant growth, blooming, and total production in a greenhouse by taking use of light’s spatial distribution.

Display and Projection Technologies: The properties of the light emitted by visual display devices like monitors, projectors, and TVs may be characterized using goniophotometry. It provides assistance in analyzing display brightness, color consistency, and viewing angle, all of which are vital when it comes to the creation of outstanding visual displays.

When it comes to accurately measuring and characterizing light sources and luminaires, goniophotometry is an indispensable tool. Lighting experts may make educated judgments and perfect lighting designs for a wide range of uses by familiarizing themselves with the concepts and measuring parameters of goniophotometry.

Measurements made with a goniophotometer may be trusted since they have been calibrated and verified against global benchmarks. Improved visual comfort, energy efficiency, and overall lighting quality are just some of the ways that goniophotometry has contributed to the development of modern lighting systems.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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