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10 Nov, 2023 669 Views Author: root

“Promoting Sustainable Energy Efficiency: Saudi Arabia’s Updated Tech Regulations to Achieve Climate Friendly Economic Growth”

Recently, the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) updated its regulations concerning energy efficiency applications and the regulations will be officially implemented on 30th June, 2023. It is specified that the energy efficiency application can only be applied through the accounts of the manufacturer or importer and should not be transferred from the manufacturer or importer’s account to the third-party (unrelated to the supply chain), while the non-manufacturer or importer nature accounts will be cancelled.

In addition, the suppliers that can be added in manufacturer accounts are also limited, where only suppliers in the accounts of manufacturers can be added. SASO indicates in its recently released policy that all non-manufacturer or importer nature accounts will be cancelled in the system starting from 1st January, 2024.

This implies that Saudi Arabia is overall attempting to increase the efficacy of its energy usage in order to protect global climate environment and achieve energy-saving goals. The energy efficiency and standardization legislation (ESSL) has been supported since its official launch in 2013. In addition, Saudi Arabia has taken a series of measures to improve the social investment environment and perfect the energy efficiency policy to implement the latest progress of technology and implementation into the energy market to service its mission to lead in terms of energy usage.

The policies put forth by Saudi Arabia aim to promote energy-saving and improve the reliability of appliances. Such efforts will contribute to improve the sustainability of the energy systems coming in Saudi Arabia and aid in the reduction of energy resources wastage. This in turn will lead to the increase of investment opportunities, especially in smart and emerging technologies, such as green energy and new energies, which could have an important yet beneficial impact in the development of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s updated tech regulations aim to better address the environmental and economic issues faced in the country’s energy industry to achieve energy-saving goals. By pushing the new regulations, not only can global climate environment be protected, but also the growth of green energy technology and its investment shall be promoted, offering new prospects for the development and investors in Saudi Arabia which can propel the burgeoning energy efficiency market in the country.

LISUN LSG-1800A/LSG-1890B High Precision Rotation Luminaire Goniophotometer Full meet the EN13032-1 clause goniophotometer type 1, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015CIE-70CIE-121IES LM-79IES LM-75IES LM-80 and ect.

"Promoting Sustainable Energy Efficiency: Saudi Arabia’s Updated Tech Regulations to Achieve Climate Friendly Economic Growth"


What is goniophotometer definition?

LSG-1890B/LSG-1800A goniophotometer is automatic goniophotometric instrument for luminous intensity distribution measurements with facility for rotating the light source. The LSG-1890B/LSG-1800A uses a constant temperature detector, Japanese motor and German precision angle coder which keep the test results with high accuracy. It is for industrial laboratory photometric data measurement of all kinds of luminaries such as LED luminaries, HID lamps, fluorescent lamps and so on.


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.


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