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16 Feb, 2024 558 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Spectrum Analysis and Spectrum Analysers: Unlocking the Potential of Data Analysis.

A spectrum analyzer is an instrument used to study the spectral structure of telecommunications signals. It can measure signal distortion, modulation, spectrum purity, frequency stability, and intermodulation distortion, among other signal parameters, for the measurement of certain parameters of circuits such as amplifiers and filters.

Spectrum analyzers are also referred to as frequency-domain oscilloscopes, tracking oscilloscopes, analysis oscilloscopes, harmonic analyzers, frequency characteristic analyzers, or Fourier analyzers. Modern spectrum analyzer can display the analyzed results in either analog or digital format, and can analyze the whole radio frequency band of the telecommunications signals under 1 GHz, including Very Low Frequency to millimeter wave bands.

Spectrum analyzers

Spectrum analyzer

If equipped with digital circuits and microprocessors, spectrum analysis also have storage and calculation functions and can be configured with standard interfaces, thus forming automatic test systems. By using spectrum analyzer, we can have a better understanding and analysis of the spectrum characteristics of telecommunications signals, which helps address problems in circuit systems and optimize the system performance. It has a wide range of applications in electronic measurement fields, and provides engineers and technicians with a powerful tool for signal analysis and testing.

Spectrum analyzer is a precise instrument specially used to measure the spectrum characteristics of telecommunication signals. In signal analysis, it adopts a method of converting signals into spectrums, allowing users to intuitively understand the spectrum density of signals and analyze signals based on frequency distribution. The working principle of spectrum analyzer is based on Fourier transform, a mathematical algorithm that converts time-domain signals into frequency-domain signals. By performing Fourier transform on the signal to be tested and receiving and processing it by the spectrum analyzer, the corresponding spectral graph will be eventually outputted.

For signal detection with spectrum analyzer, several basic components are required:
1. Connect a front-end interface device to convert the tested signals into electrical signals;
2. Connect a high-performance amplifier and a low-noise amplifier with variable gain in the front circuit to strengthen signals and to increase signal-to-noise ratio;
3. Feed the signal into a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) circuit with windowing function to improve spectrum linearity, reduce leakage and noise, and enhance resolution;
4. Convert the frequency-domain signals into visible signals through DSP chip and other digital signal processors.

All in all, Spectrum analyzer is an important part of digital signal processing technology which can quickly and conveniently analyze signal characteristics and provide useful support for scientific research and technical applications.


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