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20 Nov, 2023 589 Views Author: Rachel He

Straight Unjointed Test Finger of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.3

Protection against direct contact
Protection against direct contact is employed to prevent persons from touching live parts that do not meet the requirements of 7.3.5 and shall be provided by one or more of the measures given in (enclosures and barriers) and (insulation).

Open type sub-assemblies and devices do not require protective measures against direct contact but the instructions provided with the equipment shall indicate that such measures must be provided in the end equipment or in the installation.

Products intended for installation in closed electrical operating areas, (see 3.9) need not have protective measures against direct contact, except as required by

NOTE  Some local regulations require guarding against inadvertent contact with hazardous parts even in closed electrical operating areas,

Protection by means of enclosures and barriers
The following requirements apply where protection against contact with live parts is provided by enclosures or barriers, not by insulation in accordance with

Parts of enclosures and barriers that provide protection in accordance with these requirements shall not be removable without the use of a tool (see

Polymeric materials used to meet these requirements shall also meet the requirements of 13.6.

Access probe criteria
Protection is considered to be achieved when the separation between the test probes and live parts, when tested as described below, is as follows:
a) decisive voltage classification A, (DVC A) – the probe may touch the live parts;
b) decisive voltage classification B,(DVC B)- the probe shall have adequate clearance to live parts, based on the clearance for functional insulation (see Note 1);
c) decisive voltage classification C,(DVC C) – the probe shall have adequate clearance to live parts, based on the clearance for basic insulation (see Note 2).

NOTE 1 Functional insulation is allowed because inserting a finger into an opening is considered to be the first fault.
NOTE 2Basic insulation is allowed because inserting a finger into an opening is considered to be the first fault.
NOTE 3Figure 5 row 4 gives examples of the probe requirements for openings in the enclosure.

Access probe tests
Compliance with is checked by all of the following:
a) Inspection; and
b) Tests with the test finger (Figure D.1) and test pin (Figure D.2) of Annex D, the results of which shall comply with the requirements of a), b), and c) as applicable. Test Probes are performed on openings in the enclosures after removal of parts that can be detached or opened by an operator without the use of a tool, including fuseholders, and with operator access doors and covers open. It is permitted to leave lamps in place for this test. Connectors that can be separated by an operator without use of a tool, shall also be tested during and after disconnection. Any movable parts are to be put in the most unfavourable position. The test finger and the test pin are applied as above, without appreciable force, in every possible position, except that floor-standing equipment having a mass exceeding 40 kg is not tilted.

Equipment intended for building-in or rack mounting, or for incorporation in larger equipment, is tested with access to the equipment limited according to the method of mounting detailed in the installation instructions.

c) Openings preventing the entry of the jointed test finger (Figure D.1 of Annex D) during test b) above, are further tested by means of a straight unjointed test finger (FigureD.3 of Annex D), applied with a force of 30 N. If the unjointed finger enters, the test with the jointed finger is repeated except that the finger is applied using any necessary force up to 30 N.

Straight Unjointed Test Finger of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.3

Straight Unjointed Test Finger of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.3

d) In addition to a) to c) above, top surfaces of enclosures shall be tested with the IP3X probe of IEC 60529. The test probe shall not penetrate the top surface of the enclosure when probed from the vertical direction ±5°only.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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