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10 May, 2024 632 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Test Apparatus for Pressure Test At High Temperatures with BS 1363 Figure 10

A set of three sample pins shall be tested by means of the apparatus shown in Figure 10 which has a blade 0.70+005mm wide and a radius of 3 mm ±0.1 mm. The test shall be made on one pin of each plug not used for the test described in 13.17.3.

A sample shall be positioned as shown in Eigure 10 and the test apparatus shall be loaded so that the blade exerts a force of 2.5N on the sample. The test apparatus, complete with sample, shall then be placed in a heating cabinet at 200℃ for a period of 120min, after which the sample is removed and immediately cooled by immersion in water at approximately room temperature.

The thickness of the insulation remaining at the point of impression shall be measured and shall not have been reduced by more than 50%. Switches shall be so constructed that undue arcing cannot occur when the switch is operated slowly. The switch in any switched fused plug shall disconnect at least the supply to the line terminals. Double pole switches shall make or break each pole with one movement of the actuator.

Test Apparatus for Pressure Test At High Temperatures with BS 1363 Figure 10

Test Apparatus for Pressure Test At High Temperatures with BS 1363 Figure 10

Conformity shall be checked by inspection and by the following test.

Following the test described in Clause18,the circuit shall be broken a further 10 times, each time moving the actuating member by hand over a period of approximately 2 s in a manner such as to attempt to stop the moving contact in an intermediate position causing arcing. The actuating member shall be released after approximately 2 s and any arcing shall cease.

The actuating member of a switch at rest shall take up a position corresponding to that of the moving contacts except those having a single push-button where the actuating member takes up a single rest position. The actuating mechanism shall be so constructed that when operated the switch remains only in a position giving adequate contact or adequate separation of contacts.

Conformity shall be checked by inspection and the test of 13.18.3.

The necessary force (F) to switch off shall first be measured and the force shall be applied to the extremity of the actuating member.
With the actuating member of the switch in the closed position, for single pole switches, the fixed and moving contacts shall be mechanically fixed together. For double pole switches, the three samples shall be prepared as follows:
a) The fixed and moving contacts of one pole shall be mechanically fixed together and the actuating member of the switch tested.
b) The fixed and moving contacts of the other pole shall be mechanically fixed together and the actuating member of the switch tested.
c) The fixed and moving contacts of both poles shall be mechanically fixed together and the actuating member of the switch tested.

When fixing the contacts, care shall be taken to ensure that the test result is not unduly affected. The method for fixing the contacts shall not unduly affect the test result. Dismantling of the test sample is permitted where necessary in preparation for this test. The test sample and components shall not be damaged during this preparation. The actuating member shall be subjected to a test
force as defined in Table 7. This force shall be applied in one smooth and continuous motion to the extreme point of the actuating member in the most favourable direction to open the contacts for a period of 10 s.

If locking means are designed to lock the actuating members in opened position, it shall not be possible to lock the actuating members in this position while the force is applied.

After the test and when the test force is no longer applied, the actuating member shall not remain at rest in the “off” position.


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