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21 Jan, 2024 575 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Test Pin OF BS 1363-1 Figure 1

1 Scope

This part of BS1363 specifies requirements for 13 A fused plugs having insulating sleeves on line and neutral pins, for household, commercial and light industrial purposes, with particular reference to safety in normal use. The plugs are suitable for the connection of portable appliances, sound-vision equipment, luminaires, etc. in a.c. circuits only, operating at voltages not exceeding 250Vr.m.s. at 50 Hz.

Test Pin OF BS 1363-1 Figure 1


Requirements are specified for plugs incorporating a fuse link complying with BS 1362:1973. The plugs may be rewirable or non-rewirable complete with flexible cord.
Two categories of plugs are specified covering normal and rough use. Rewirable plugs are intended for use with flexible cords complying with BS 6500:2000 having conductor cross-sectional areas from 0.5 mm² to 1.5 mm² inclusive.
NOTE 1 See 19.1.
Non-rewirable plugs are intended for use with flexible cords having conductor cross-sectional areas not exceeding 1.5 mm².

NOTE 2 See 19.4.
This standard also applies to non-rewirable 13 A plugs which have the brass earth pin replaced with a similarly dimensioned protrusion made of insulating material designated as an insulated shutter opening device (ISOD) designed to operate the shutter mechanism of a socket-outlet conforming to BS 1363-2.
Plugs containing switches and devices other than indicator lamps are outside the scope of this part of BS1363.
NOTE 3 The titles of the publications referred to in this part of BS 1363 are listed on the inside back cover.
NOTE 4 In order to maintain safety and interchangeability with plugs and socket-outlets it is necessary that these products comply with the requirements of Clause 9, 12 and 13 of this part of BS 1363, however their body outline need not be limited at a distance of 6.35 mm from the plug engagement face.

NOTE 5 Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility are not given for the following reasons.
A plug does not emit intolerable electromagnetic interference since significant electromagnetic disturbances are only generated during insertion and withdrawal which are not continuous.
A plug is mechanical by nature of construction. The product is therefore immune from electromagnetic interference.

Annex F (normative)
Impulse voltage test

The purpose of this test is to verify that clearances will withstand specified transient overvoltage.
The impulse withstand voltage test is carried out with a voltage having a 1.2/50 μS waveform as specified in BS923-1 and is intended to simulate overvoltage of atmospheric origin. It also covers overvoltages due to switching of low-voltage equipment.

The test shall be conducted for a minimum of three impulses of each polarity with an interval of at least 1s between pulses.

Test Pin OF BS 1363-1 Figure 1

Test Pin OF BS 1363-1 Figure 1

NOTE 1 The output impedance of the impulse generator should be not higher than 500Ω.

The impulse shall have the following characteristics:
-the waveform 1.2/50 μS for the no load voltage with amplitudes equal to the values given in Table Figure 1;
-the waveform 8/20 μS for an appropriate surge current.

NOTE 2 If the sample is provided with surge suppression, the impulse voltage wave may be chopped but the sample should be in a condition to operate normally again after the test. If the sample is not provided with surge suppression and it withstands the impulse voltage, the waveform will not be noticeably distorted.

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