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25 Nov, 2023 1001 Views Author: Ellen Liu

Test Pin of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.2

1 Scope and object
1.1 Scope
This part of IEC 62109 applies to the power conversion equipment(PCE) for use in Photovoltaic (PV) systems where a uniform technical level with respect to safety is necessary.
This standard defines the minimum requirements for the design and manufacture of PCE for protection against electric shock, energy, fire, mechanical and other hazards.

This standard provides general requirements applicable to all types of PV PCE. There are additional parts of this standard that provide specific requirements for the different types of power converters, such as Part 2 – inverters. Additional parts may be published as new products and technologies are commercialised.

Test Pin of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.2

SMT 1213_AL

1.1.1 Equipment included in scope
This standard covers PCE connected to systems not exceeding maximum PV source circuit voltage of 1 500 V d.c. The equipment may also be connected to systems not exceeding 1 000 Va.c. at the a.c. mains circuits, non-mains a.c. load circuits, and to other DC source or load circuits such as batteries. This standard may be used for accessories for use with PCE, except where more appropriate standards exist.
Evaluation of PCE to this standard includes evaluation of all features and functions incorporated in or available for the PCE, or referred to in the documentation provided with the PCE, if such features or functions can affect compliance with the requirements of this standard.

1.1.2 Equipment for which other requirements may apply
This standard has not been written to address characteristics of power sources other than photovoltaic systems, such as wind turbines, fuel cells, rotating machine sources, etc.

NOTE 1 Requirements for other sources may be incorporated in the IEC 62109 series in the future. Additional or other requirements are necessary for equipment intended for use in explosive at mospheres (see IEC 60079),aircraft,marine’installations, electromedical applications (see IEC 60601)or at elevations above 2 000 m.

NOTE 2 Requirements are included for adjustment of clearance distances for higher elevations, but not for other factors related to elevation, such as thermal considerations.

1.2 Object
1.2.1 Aspects included in scope
The purpose of the requirements of this part of IEC 62109 is to ensure that the design and methods of construction used provide adequate protection for the operator and the surrounding area against:
a) electric shock and energy hazards;
b) mechanical hazards;
c) excessive temperature hazards;
d) spread of fire from the equipment;
e) chemical hazards;
f) conic precsure hazards;
g) liberated fluids, gases and explosion hazards.

Test Pin of IEC 62109-1 Figure D.2

1.2.2 Aspects excluded from scope
Aspects not covered by this standard include, but are not limited to, the following;
a) functional reliability, performance or other properties of the equipment not related to safety;
b) effectiveness of transport packaging;
c) EMC requirements;
d) installation requirements, which are covered by local and national installation codes. safe manner, including requirements for installation instructions provided with the product.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

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