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16 May, 2024 548 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Test Plug with BS 1363-3 Figure 34

Temperature rise

Adaptors and their surroundings shall not attain excessive temperatures in normal use.

Conformity shall be checked by the following tests.

For adaptors with adaptor socket-outlets for BS1363 plugs, the standard test plug described in Annex G shall be used.

For adaptors with adaptor socket-outlets for other plugs, e.g, those conforming to BS 546:1950, appropriate plugs fitted with 1 000 mm ±50 mm of appropriate PVC insulated flexible cable as specified in BS EN 50525-2-11:2011, to suit the maximum current rating of the plugs, shall be used. For shaver adaptors the test plug as detailed in Figure 34 fitted with 1 000 mm ±50 mm of twin circular 0.5 mm² flexible cable (seeBS EN 50525-2-11:2011) shall be used.

Test Plug with BS 1363-3 Figure 34

Test Plug with BS 1363-3 Figure 34

Non-rewirable intermediate adaptors shall have the cable supplied cut to 1 000 mm ±50 mm length. Rewirable intermediate adaptors shall be fitted with 1 000 mm ±50 mm of 1.25 mm² PVC insulated flexible cable (see BS EN 50525-2-11:2011) having the appropriate number of cores. The L in and L out cores shall be linked at their extremity to provide a normally closed path.

Adaptor plugs shall be tested with 1 000 mm ±50 mm of 1.25 mm² 3-core PVC insulated flexible cable (see BS EN 50525-2-11:2011) if they are rewirable, or with 1 000 mm ±50 mm of the flexible cable supplied if non-rewirable.

Adaptors with fuses conforming to BS 1362:1973+A3:2021 shall have the fuse replaced with a calibrated link constructed and calibrated in accordance with Annex H.

Adaptors with fuses conforming toBS 646:1958+A2:2013 shall be fitted with a BS 646:1958+A2:2013 fuse link of 5 A rating. Shaver adaptors shall be fitted with a BS 646:1958+A2:2013 fuse link of 1 A rating.

During the tests, temperature rises are measured at the terminals or terminations (ifany) and where overheating might result in a hazard.

Tests shall be carried out as follows:

a)For adaptors where all the adaptor socket-outlets are for BS1363 plugs, a series of tests shall be conducted by inserting the standard test plug into each socket-outlet in turn and, in each test, a current of 14 A ±0.4 A shall be passed through the assembly.

b)For other adaptors:
1)where there is one adaptor socket-outlet for BS 1363 plugs plus other types and ratings to other standards; or

2)where all adaptor socket-outlets are for plugs of types and ratings to other standards; or

3)in adaptor plugs where there is one adaptor socket-outlet for BS 1363plugs plus an outlet for a flexible cable; a series of tests shall be conducted by inserting an appropriate test plug into each socket-outlet in turn, or by applying a load via the flexible cable of an adaptor plug. In each test a current as specified below shall be passed through the assembly.

i)For socket-outlets rated at 13 A or higher; the test current shall be 14 A ±0.4 A.

ii)For other socket-outlets and for flexible cables, the test current shall be equal to 110% of the respective rating but in no case shall an individual test current exceed 14 A.

iii) For multiway adaptors, an additional test shall be conducted by inserting an appropriate test plug into each socket-outlet, and in the case of an adaptor plug, by connecting a load via the flexible cable. An electrical load equal to 110% of the total connectable load but not exceeding a maximum value of 14 A shall then be passed through the complete assembly dividing this current between all the socket-outlets, including the flexible cable, if any, in proportion to their respective current ratings.

iv) For shaver adaptors, the test current shall be 1 A ±0.1 A.Where fitted with USB battery charging outlets these shall be loaded with their rated currents for the duration of the tests. In the case of adaptors having more than one USB outlet, the test load for the USB outlets shall be applied to a single USB outlet in turn for each test.


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