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27 Dec, 2023 656 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Test Plugs A of UL 498 Figure 119.1

119 Retention of Plugs Test (Repeated)

119.1 General

Test Plugs A of UL 498 Figure 119.1

Test Pin A of UL 498 Figure 119.1

119.1.1 After completion of the Overload Test, Section 117, and the Temperature Test, Section 118, the contacts of a 1-15R.5-15R.5-20R,6-15R or 6-20R configuration receptacle, other than the flush or self-contained type, shall retain an attachment plug so that when tested as described in this section:
a) A force greater than 3 lbf (13 N) is required to withdraw the plug, and
b) A force of 15 lbf (67 N) is capable of withdrawing the plug.
Exception: A receptacle that has provision for locking the plug in place after the blades have been inserted in the female contacts (such as a rotating collar) is not required to be subjected to this test.

Test Plugs A of UL 498 Figure 119.1


119.2 Plug retention

119.2.1 Each of six devices is to be tested. A standard solid-blade attachment plug that has American National Standard detent holes, in accordance with Wiring Devices – Dimensional Specifications, have the configuration specified in UL 498 Figure 119.1. A pull of 3 Ibf (13 N) in a direction perpendicular to the ANSI/NEMA WD6, in rigidly mounted blades is to be fully inserted into the device. The test pins are to plane of the face of the receptacle and tending to withdraw the plug from the device is then to be applied to the plug for 1 minute. The displacement of the plug shall not be greater than 0.079 inch (2 mm).
Exception: Receptacles of this type may instead be subjected to the Retention of Blades Test, Section 111.3 (3 lb retention).

119.3 Plug withdrawal

119.3.1 Each of six devices is to be tested. Following the application of the 3 Ibf (13 N), the pull is to be increased to 15 Ibf (67 N), using test plugs having the configuration specified in Table 119.2, and the plug shall be withdrawn by the force.

Exception: Receptacles of this type may instead be subjected to the Retention of Blades Test, Section 111.4(15 lb withdrawal).

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

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