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09 May, 2024 533 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Test Probe 13 with Cable with standard EN 61032

1. General

1.1 Scope and object

This International Standard specifies details and dimensions of test probes intended to verify the protection provided by enclosures with regard to:
– protection of persons against access to hazardous parts inside the enclosure;
– protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects.

The object of this International Standard is:
– to bring together in one publication object probes and access probes currently specified in other standards, together with any necessary new probes;
– to guide technical committees in the selection of test probes;
– to encourage those concerned to specify test probes in accordance with those already specified in this International Standard rather than modify details and dimensions;
– to limit the further proliferation of types of test probe.

Test Probe 13 with Cable with standard EN 61032

SMT 1213C_AL

1.2 General recommendations

When selecting probes, priority should be given to IP code probes.
The use of other probes, particularly probes which are not specified in this International Standard, should be limited to cases where the use of an IP code probe is for some reason impractical.
NOTE 1 The selection of a test probe for a particular purpose is the responsibility of the relevant technical committees.
NOTE 2 Technical committees wishing to develop new probes or to modify existing probes should submit proposals to technical committee 70 for amendment of this standard.
Application of the probes, test conditions, acceptance conditions and the procedure in case of conflicting test results are the responsibility of the relevant product committee.
Certificates based on test probes conforming to the first edition of EN 61032 should remain valid

2 Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International
Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International

IEC 60050 (826):1982, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV)-Chapter 826: Electrical installations of buildings.
IEC 60529:1989, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).
IEC 60536:1976, Classification of electrical and electronic equipment with regard to protection against electric shock.
ISO 4287-1:1984, Surface roughness-Terminology-Part 1: Surface and its parameters.

3 Classification of test probes

Test probes are classified as follows:
a) according to their designation
-IP code probes;
– other probes;
b) according to the kind of protection they are intended to check
– access probes;
c) according to the specific hazard they are intended to check
– probes mainly intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous live parts or hazardous mechanical parts;
– probes specifically intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous mechanical parts;
– probes mainly intended to be used to verify the protection of persons against access to internal parts involving thermal hazard, for instance internal hot or glowing parts;
– probes intended to be used to verify the protection of equipment against ingress of solid foreign objects.

Test Probe 13 with Cable with standard EN 61032

Test Probe 13 with Cable with standard EN61032

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