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31 Oct, 2023 629 Views Author: Ellen Liu

Test Probe Kit of  IEC 61032 Standard

19.15 For battery-operated appliances incorporating a manual voltage selector switch intended to select battery voltage, this switch is set to the lowest voltage position and the highest voltage is applied.

B.19.1 The supply terminals of a battery-operated appliance having an indication of polarity are connected to the battery terminals of the opposite polarity, unless such a connection by the user is unlikely to occur due to the construction of the appliance.

Test Probe Kit of  IEC 61032 Standard

SMT 61032

B.19.2 For battery-operated appliances with provision for multiple batteries, one or more of the batteries shall be reversed and the appliance shall be operated, if reversal by the user of battery polarity is allowed by the construction.

B.19.3 For battery-operated appliances with motor(s), the terminals of each motor are short circuited one at a time, where the resistance of the short-circuit does not exceed 10 mΩ and with the appliance operating under the conditions of Clause 11. The test is conducted until steady conditions are achieved, including returning to room temperature or until a time period of at least 3h has elapsed.

B.19.4 Appliances incorporating batteries that use metal-ion chemistries are tested as follows.

The test is conducted with all the cells of the battery fully charged and, for batteries consisting of more than one cell, one cell fully discharged on a detachable battery or separable battery connected to the appliance or on an appliance containing an integral battery.
The main discharge connections of the battery are shorted with a resistance not to exceed 10 mΩ. The test is conducted until a non-self-resetting protection device operates or an intentionally weak part becomes permanently open-circuited or until the test sample returns to room temperature.

NOTE: The main discharge connections for separable batteries or detachable batteries are the battery terminals.For an integral battery, this is the output connection closest to the cells including their control circuitry.

B.19.5 The battery-operated appliance and any cords except supply cords, as appropriate,are tested with the battery connected, under the following fault conditions applied one at a time:
– any cord provided between the battery-operated appliance and a separable battery shall be short-circuited at the point along its length likely to produce the most adverse effects;
– for appliances having batteries that are replaceable and that can be removed without the aid of a tool, and having terminals that can be short-circuited by a thin straight bar, the terminals of the battery are short-circuited;
– charging terminals of the battery-operated appliance that are simultaneously accessible with the test probe 13 of IEC 61032 are short circuited so as to produce the most unfavourable result.

The battery-operated appliance is switched on and no additional mechanical load is applied. The tests are conducted until the test sample achieves a steady condition, including returning to room temperature or, until a time period of at least 3h has elapsed. The resistance of the short circuit shall not exceed 10 mΩ.

B.19.6 Detachable batteries and separable batteries are tested under the following fault condition.

Combinations of detachable battery terminals and separable battery terminals simultaneously accessible by applying the test probe 13 of IEC 61032 are short circuited so as to produce the most unfavourable result. The resistance of the short circuit shall not exceed 10 mΩ.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

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