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20 Jan, 2024 616 Views Author: Cherry Shen

The application and significance of IP and IK protection levels for IK spring impact hammer

With the continuous development of modern society, there is increasingly high demand for the safety and reliability of electrical equipment. This is particularly true in the industrial, construction, transportation, and home appliance sectors, where there is a growing need for products with high safety requirements. In order to ensure the safety performance of these products, a series of standards for electrical equipment protection level and mechanical protection level have been developed internationally, including IP and IK protection levels. The application and significance of IK spring impact hammers are becoming increasingly important.

The IK code represents the protection level of the enclosure against harmful mechanical impact from the outside. The identification indicates the protection level of the enclosure against external mechanical impact. The IK code is characterized by a combination of numerical features (00 to 10). The IK code is applicable to the protection classification of the enclosure of electrical equipment against external mechanical impact, with a rated voltage not exceeding 72.5 kV, and is only applicable to enclosures with specific requirements for protection against external mechanical impact.

IK protection level testing:

IK protection level testing is generally achieved by three types of test devices: pendulum hammer, spring hammer, and vertical drop hammer, to achieve the required impact energy. It can be divided into twelve levels of expression (with increasing severity) based onthe magnitude of the impact energy:

In the IEC62262 protection degree code, the IK code represents the protection level of the enclosure against external mechanical impact. The characteristic numerical combinations are: 01 to 10, namely: IK01, IK02, IK03, IK04, IK05, IK06, IK07, IK08, IK09, and IK10. In these 10 levels, the tests are divided into two groups based on different test levels: the first group includes spring impact force tests from IK01 to IK06, with relatively small energy levels (ranging from 0.14J to 1J); the other group includes pendulum hammer tests from IK07 to IK10, with larger energy levels (ranging from 2J to 20J). In the lighting industry, lamps such as car headlights, street lights, security lights, and some special types of lamps need to undergo IK protection level tests between IK05 and IK10, especially in the tests for IK07, IK08, IK09, and IK10. The purpose of these tests is primarily to check whether the protection level of the lighting product’s enclosure meets the industry and national requirements.

IP and IK protection levels are standards used to evaluate the protective capabilities of electrical equipment under different environmental conditions. The IP level refers to the resistance of electrical equipment to solid objects and liquids, primarily represented by two digits, with the first digit indicating the protection level against solid objects and the second digit indicating the protection level against water. The IK level refers to the ability of electrical equipment to withstand mechanical shocks and external object impacts. These two levels provide a basis for users to select electrical equipment suitable for various environmental conditions.

IP and IK grade testers are tools used to test the protection levels of electrical equipment. Through these testers, the resistance capabilities of electrical equipment under different levels can be comprehensively evaluated and verified. IP grade testers can simulate the intrusion of solid objects and water at different levels into electrical equipment, helping users understand the protective performance of the equipment. IK grade testers assess the sturdiness and shock resistance of the equipment through mechanical impact and collision tests.

The application and significance of IP and IK protection levels are important for users:

1. These levels can help users choose electrical equipment that meets their environmental requirements. For example, surveillance cameras installed outdoors need to have certain waterproof and dustproof capabilities, so equipment with higher IP grades should be selected. Inhazardous environments, such as factory workshops, equipment is prone to object impact, so equipment with higher IK grades should be chosen. By understanding and applying IP and IK grades, users can enhance the reliability of their equipment and reduce equipment damage and maintenance costs.


2. The application of IP and IK protection levels is also significant for product development and manufacturing companies. By testing the IP and IK grades of their equipment, companies can assess the quality and reliability of their products. This helps companies improve product design and manufacturing processes, enhance product competitiveness and market recognition. Furthermore, companies can provide customized solutions based on IP and IK grades for different industries and application fields, meeting diverse customer demands.

3. The application of IP and IK protection levels also contributes to promoting industrial innovation and development. By continuously improving equipment protection levels, the electrical equipment industry can drive technological progress and innovation. For example, in the field of renewable energy, the requirements for IP and IK grades of equipment such as solar panels and wind turbines are increasing, which promotes the research and improvement of related technologies, supporting the development of the clean energy industry.

4. The application and significance of IP and IK protection levels cannot be overlooked for IK grade testers. These grades provide standards for evapplyingluating the protective abilities of electrical equipment. By applying and testing these grades, users can select equipment suitable for different environmental conditions, enhancing equipment reliability and safety. For companies, applying IP and IK grades can enhance product competitiveness and market recognition, promoting technological innovation and development. Therefore, further research and application of IP and IK protection levels are important directions that contribute to the development and progress of the electrical equipment industry.

Scope of IK grades:

1. Computers: computers, monitors, CPUs, computer components, medical equipment, etc.
2. Electronic communication: mobile phones, RF equipment, electronic communication components, etc.
3. Appliances: household appliances, lamps, transformers, etc.
4. Others: packaging boxes, transportation equipment, etc.

IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer meet the following standards: IEC60068-2-75 “Environmental testing – Part 2-75: Tests – Test Eh: Hammer tests” <Clauss 6 Test Ehb: Spring hammer>, IEC60598-1, IEC/EN61010-1, IEC60065, IEC60320-1, IEC60335-1, IEC60400, IEC/EN60601-1, IEC60519-1, IEC/EN61058- 1, UL1244, EN60400, EN60730-1, GB/T2423.55GB7000.1, GB4706.1, GB2099.1, GB/T8898.

The application and significance of IP and IK protection levels for IK spring impact hammer

IK01-06 Lever Tester


IK07-10 Pendulum Impact Hammer Tester is produced in accordance with IEC60068-2-75 “Environmental testing – Part 2-75: Tests – Test Eh: Hammer tests” <Clauss 5 Test Eha: Pendulum hammer> and GB/T2423.55 standard requirements, applicable Tests to assess the robustness of products in accordance with electrical safety provisions. This test device is widely used in the IK strength test of the shell of lighting products ( IEC60598GB7000.1, EN50102), the mechanical impact strength test of metal sheets such as substation cabinets, non-metal power cabinets and outdoor equipment.

The application and significance of IP and IK protection levels for IK spring impact hammer

IK Level Tester IK07-10

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