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01 Jul, 2023 793 Views Author: Ellen Liu

The Introduction of Using ESD Generator and ESD Gun for Electrostatic Discharge Prevention

ESD generator ESD61000-2 is specially designed for the characteristics and requirements of electrostatic immunity test. Its performance meets the latest IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standard IEC61000-4-2, European electrical standard EN61000-4-2, national standard GB/T17626.2 and ISO10605. It is suitable for electrostatic immunity test of all kinds of semiconductor devices, electronic circuits and electronic equipment.



When human body generates static electricity to objects or two objects, it may cause circuit failure or even damage of electrical and electronic equipment. Therefore, ESD generator is widely used all over the world. ESD Generator or ESD Simulator, commonly known as ESD gun is an important equipment in ESD immunity test of electromagnetic compatibility measurement and test. The purpose is to test whether the electronic equipment can work normally when subjected to external electrostatic discharge. It is the only test equipment for the international electrotechnical committee standard IEC61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques – Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test. Basic EMC Publication, which has been transformed into the same name equivalent China Standard GB/T17626.2-2006 “electromagnetic compatibility test and test technology electrostatic discharge anti-interference test” .

ESD simulator guns

ESD simulator guns

ESD generators can be divided into two categories according to their own discharge voltage: one category with discharge voltage of 20KV and the other with 30KV. In addition, the maximum discharge voltage can be customized according to the requirements of EUT in different industries.

III.Cited Standards:
IEC / EN61000 -4-2 GB / T17626.2 IEC / EN61000-6-1 / -2 IEC / EN61326 IEC61340 ANSI C63.16 ITU -T K20GR1089 -CORE ENV 50141 and so on.

IV.ESD Model
1. Human Body Model (HBM)
Human static electricity is the main and most frequent factor causing accidental explosion of explosives and electrical products, so the anti-electrostatic hazard requirements for electrical products at home and abroad are mainly based on prevention of human static electricity, and a human body model (Human Body Model, HBM) model is established. People can store certain electrical charges, so there is obviously capacitance in human body. The human body also has resistance, which depends on factors such as the elasticity of muscles, moisture, contact resistance and so on. Most researchers believe that a capacitor-serial resistor model is more rational. In the past, many researchers have tried to determine the appropriate values of these parameters of typical human body. Usually, a serial resistance is used as the human body model. As early as 1962, the US Bureau of Mines measured the range of human body capacitors to be 95 to 398pF, with an average capacitance of 240, and the average resistance between hands and hands in 100 tests was 4000. Ohms.

These data laid a good foundation for the establishment of the human body model, and after some modifications, early analog circuits were established in the electronic industry. Kirk and others measured the range of human body capacitance to be 132-190pf. 105-190. In order to get consistency, the US Navy proposed a so-called “standard human body model” with capacitance value of 100pf and resistance value of 1.5k in 1980. This standard has been widely adopted, but it has encountered some problems later.

2. Machine Model (MM)
Also known as the Japanese model, it is widely used in Japan. Unlike the furniture model, it is mainly composed of a 200pf capacitor serializing a very low resistance (<10Ω). The typical representatives of the machine model are robots with charged insulation, vehicles, insulated conductors, etc. The discharge waveform of the machine model is similar to the expected furniture model waveform, but different with the large capacitance of the charged component. The typical machine model waveform for small resistance (<10Ω ) Discharge, peak current can reach hundreds of amperes, the duration (determined by the inductance of the discharge path) is hundreds of nanoseconds.

Electric Field Induced Charged Device Model (F-CDM)
With the modernization of device production and assembly, most operations of devices are completed by automatic production lines, and the chances of human body contacting devices are relatively reduced. During the processing, handling, transportation, etc., electronic components may be charged due to contact, friction with working surface and packaging materials, and when charged electronic components approach or contact ground conductors (human body), static electricity will be discharged.

Studies have shown that the effects of electrostatic discharge on components after charged components are fairly prominent. Because the discharge process described by the charged device model is caused by the charge of the device itself, the failure of charged device model is one of the main causes of damage and failure of electronic components.

ESD generator is mainly used for the anti-human metal model electrostatic discharge test of system level electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers. It includes an ESD generator and an ESD gun. The output of the electrostatic generator in the electrostatic discharge generator is positive and negative, some of which can be converted, and their voltage bipolar high-precision output is continuous and adjustable. At the same time, it is suitable for more application fields and future new standards. Therefore, the electrostatic discharge generator can be used for electrostatic discharge test of most electrical and electronic equipment.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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