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20 Nov, 2023 625 Views Author: Cherry Shen

The North American Lighting Engineering Association publishes the LM-82-12 standard test method

LED light engines and integrated LED bulbs are often applied to various types of lamps, including decorative lamps, non -fixed direction lights, etc. Generally speaking, the performance of LED bulbs, including light flux, light efficiency, color, life, etc., will be affected by the LED knot temperature, and the knot temperature is also affected by the installation method and application of LED bulbs in the lamp.

In order to help lamp manufacturers select the right LED light engine and integrated LED light bulb for each type of lamp products, the North American Lighting Engineering Association released IES LM-82-12 technical standards. The North American Lighting Engineering Association (IESNA) publishes the LM-82-12 standard test method. This test method can measure the relationship between the electrical, optical characteristics and temperature of LED light engines and LED light bulbs in the working state. The new standard provides a consistent test method to help lamp manufacturers choose LED light engines and integrated light bulbs.


The LED light engine is a modular device that consists of LED light sources, drivers and thermal sinking. The light engine provides a more modular method for the design of the lamp. The test results of the light engine at different temperatures can be applied to multiple lamps, reducing the complexity and required costs for the entire industry.

Rita Harrold, the person in charge of the North American Lighting Engineering Association, said: “The design method and application environment of the lamps can change the thermal environment around LED. By measure the electrical and optical parameters of the LED light engine at different temperature, the lamp manufacturer can enable the decorative lamp and non -fixed direction light output of a established design in the lamp meets the expectations. “

The LM-82 is the follow-up standard of LM-79. He stipulates that the LED light engine (I think it can be considered as SSL) and the overall LED lights at different temperatures. There are mainly the following points:
A. The sample to be tested needs to give the temperature monitoring point Tb and the temperature monitoring point Td (not forced) of the power supply.
B. Initial test – test according to the ambient temperature of 25 ± 1 ℃ according to the LM-79 section 9 of LM-79, and monitor the Tb value at this time as Tbi.
C. Calibration test -The ambient temperature (25 ± 1 ° C) at the initial test by regulating the ambient temperature was tested at the power, light flux and color parameters, and monitored the Tb value at this time, recorded as Tb0.
D. The first temperature rise test -by regulating the ambient temperature, the Tb reaches Tb0+25 ° C, and then tests the power, light flux and color parameters, and monitor the Tb value at this time, which is recorded as Tb1.
E. The second temperature rise test -by adjusting the ambient temperature, the Tb reaches Tb0+50 ° C, and then tests the power, light flux and color parameters, and monitor the Tb value at this time, which is recorded as Tb2.
f. The data measured by the above measured above obtains the optical characteristics of the increase in temperature according to the standard.
G. In the standard, it is recommended to use temperature control points for temperature control. Other methods must be required to control the temperature of the Tb point and does not affect the optical test.

The North American Lighting Engineering Association publishes the LM-82-12 standard test method

IS XMT_Constant Temperature Integrating Sphere

LISUN released IES LM-82-12 technical standards for the North American Lighting Engineering Association. The test solution provided by LISUN is LPCE-2 High Precision Spectroradiometer with Constant temperature Integrating Sphere System. It includes LMS-9000C spectroradiometer, constant temperature integrating sphere system, DC Power supply, AC power supply, digital power meter and so on. It also should work with Multiplex Temperature Tester. Completely meet the test requirements of LM-82-12 and get test report. LISUN constant temperature integrating sphere system according to the requirement of IEC standards, the standard test temperature is 25℃. But high power lamps such as HID lamps and LED outdoor luminaires will produce a lot of heat during the test, thus the temperature inside the integrating sphere can not meet the requirement of IEC standards. LISUN designed the Constant Temperature Integrating Sphere (thermostatic sphere or temperature controlled integrating sphere) which keeps the temperature inside of the sphere stable at 25℃.

High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System LPCE 2(LMS 9000) AL2

High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System LPCE 2(LMS 9000) 

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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