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26 Mar, 2024 682 Views Author: Cherry Shen

The purpose of the rapid temperature change test chamber

Rapid temperature change test chamber: it is suitable for cold resistance test of electrical and electronic products and parts, adaptability test under rapid temperature change or gradual change conditions, so it is especially suitable for Environmental stress screening (ESS) test of electrical and electronic products.

The rapid temperature change test chamber is mainly designed for the adaptability testing of electrical and electronic products, as well as other raw materials for storage, transportation, and use in high-temperature and low-temperature rapidly changing environments.

Introduction to the rapid temperature change test chamber:

1. The rapid temperature change test chamber, also known as the temperature (humidity) rapid change test chamber, is suitable for the safety performance testing of electronic components under rapid temperature change conditions. It provides reliability tests, product screening tests, etc. At the same time, this test can improve the reliability of products and carry out quality control of products.

2. The temperature rise and fall rate of the test chamber can be adjusted (up to 5 ℃/min 10 ℃/min 15 ℃/min 20 ℃/min 30 ℃/min);
3. The test chamber has a humidity function;

4. The test chamber has linear and nonlinear differentiation;
5. Reference standard for rapid temperature change test chamber

This product meets the IEC61215 standards: GB2423.1-2001 Test A “Low Temperature Test Method”, GB2423.2-2001 Test B “High Temperature Test Method”; GB 2423.3-93 Test Ca “Constant Damp Heat Test Method”, GB 2423.4-93 Test Db “Alternating Damp Heat Test Method” and other national standards, as well as GB 10592-89 “Technical Conditions for High and Low Temperature Test Chambers”, are strictly designed and manufactured, and can conduct various high and low temperature alternating damp heat environmental tests.

The purpose of the rapid temperature change test chamber is:

Rapid temperature change test chamber: mainly used for environmental simulation testing of the physical and other related characteristics of products under low and high temperature conditions according to national standards or user defined requirements. The results of the testing are used to determine the performance of the product and whether it meets the requirements for product design, improvement, identification, and factory inspection.

Due to the rapid temperature change test chamber: mainly composed of a chamber body, refrigeration system, heating system, air circulation system, and control system, the outer shell of the chamber body is made of “cold rolled steel plate electric spray molding” (users can choose high-quality stainless steel plate); The inner liner is made of high-quality stainless steel plate; A “large area observation window” is installed in the middle of the chamber door and equipped with an observation light, allowing users to clearly see the condition of the sample and the overall appearance is beautiful and elegant. The insulation layer of this test chamber is “hard polyurethane foam with a small amount of ultrafine glass wool”, so it needs to have high strength and good insulation performance.

Rapid temperature change test chamber: The main temperature control instrument adopts (intelligent digital temperature and humidity control instrument), and the humanized design of the operation method is easy to learn and use. Due to the compatibility of instrument operations of different functional levels, it is necessary to be compatible with each other; For input, a digital calibration system is used, as well as built-in commonly used thermocouples and thermal resistance nonlinear correction tables, to ensure accurate and stable measurement; And it has AI artificial intelligence adjustment function, 0.2 level accuracy, and multiple alarm modes; And the refrigeration system adopts a fully enclosed imported compressor unit, which has a mechanical single stage refrigeration or overlapping low-temperature circuit system, and can fully automatically control and coordinate safety protection system; And the heating of the machine adopts stainless steel finned heating tubes.

The rapid temperature change & humidity heat test chamber is a temperature and humidity test device, applied for aerospace products, information electronic instruments, electrical, electronic products, and various electronic components to test various products under the condition of rapid temperature change performance.

The purpose of the rapid temperature change test chamber

KWB-054D Rapid temperature change & humidity heat test chamber


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