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05 Nov, 2024 239 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Understanding the Humidity Chambers: Simulation of Humidity Resilience through Climatic Conditions

Humidity chambers, particularly the LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber, play a crucial role in simulating and testing the resilience of various materials and components to fluctuating climatic conditions. This paper explores the mechanisms and applications of humidity chambers, focusing on how they simulate humidity, temperature, and their combined effects. By detailing the working principles and providing insights into experimental results, this paper aims to elucidate the importance of these chambers in assessing product reliability in diverse environmental conditions.

Humidity chambers are essential tools in environmental testing, used to simulate the effects of temperature and humidity on materials, components, and products. These chambers, including the widely used LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber, are designed to create controlled environmental conditions that mimic the natural climatic changes that products might encounter during their lifecycle.

The primary objective of using humidity chambers is to assess the durability and reliability of products under extreme environmental conditions. These tests are vital for industries such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods, where products are often exposed to a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels. By subjecting products to these conditions in a controlled environment, manufacturers can predict their behavior, identify potential weaknesses, and improve overall product quality.

This paper will delve into the specific functions and capabilities of the LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber, highlighting its application in simulating high and low temperature cycles, as well as alternating humidity conditions. Furthermore, this study will provide detailed experimental data and analysis, demonstrating how humidity chambers are used to evaluate the environmental resilience of various products.

Humidity Chambers: Principles and Mechanisms
Humidity chambers are designed to replicate a range of environmental conditions, focusing primarily on controlling temperature and humidity. These chambers operate based on the principles of thermodynamics and psychrometry, where the control of humidity is achieved through the precise regulation of temperature and moisture within the chamber.

The LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber is equipped with advanced sensors and control systems that allow for precise adjustments of temperature and humidity. This chamber can simulate a wide range of conditions, from extremely dry environments to highly humid ones, making it an ideal tool for testing product resilience. The chamber operates within a temperature range of -70°C to 150°C and can achieve humidity levels from 20% to 98% RH (relative humidity), providing a broad spectrum of testing scenarios.

Working Principle of the LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber

The operation of the LISUN GDJS-015B can be understood through its key components and processes:

• Temperature Control System:
The chamber is equipped with a refrigeration unit that uses a hermetically sealed compressor to cool the internal environment. A heating element is also present to raise the temperature when required. The precise temperature control is managed by a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller, which continuously monitors and adjusts the temperature to maintain the desired setpoint.

• Humidity Control System:
Humidity within the chamber is controlled through a combination of humidification and dehumidification processes. A steam generator is used to introduce moisture into the chamber, while a refrigeration coil condenses excess moisture to reduce humidity levels. The humidity control is also governed by a PID controller, ensuring that the desired relative humidity is accurately maintained.

• Air Circulation System:
Uniformity of temperature and humidity is crucial for accurate testing. The LISUN GDJS-015B features a powerful air circulation system that ensures even distribution of air throughout the chamber. This system prevents the formation of hot or cold spots and maintains consistent environmental conditions across all test samples.

• Data Acquisition and Monitoring:
The chamber is equipped with sensors that continuously monitor temperature and humidity levels. These sensors feed data to the chamber’s control system, allowing for real-time adjustments and ensuring that the environmental conditions remain within the specified parameters. The data is also recorded and can be analyzed post-testing to assess the performance of the products under test.

Understanding the Humidity Chambers: Simulation of Humidity Resilience through Climatic Conditions

GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber | Thermal Chamber

Simulation of Humidity Resilience

Humidity chambers like the LISUN GDJS-015B are used to simulate a wide range of environmental conditions, enabling the assessment of a product’s resilience to humidity. The primary tests conducted in these chambers include:

• High Temperature and High Humidity Test:
This test simulates conditions where products are exposed to high temperatures and humidity levels for extended periods. It is particularly relevant for testing the durability of electronic components, which are sensitive to moisture. The test helps in identifying issues such as corrosion, delamination, and insulation breakdown.

• Low Temperature and High Humidity Test:
This test is used to evaluate the performance of products in cold and humid environments. Such conditions can lead to condensation, which may cause electrical failures or mechanical issues. The LISUN GDJS-015B chamber can simulate these conditions to assess how products handle moisture ingress and condensation.

• Temperature Cycling with Humidity Control:
This test involves subjecting products to cycles of high and low temperatures while simultaneously varying the humidity levels. It mimics real-world conditions where products might experience temperature fluctuations, such as during day-night cycles or when transitioning between different climatic zones. The test is essential for evaluating thermal expansion, contraction, and the associated stress on materials.

Case Study: Testing Electronic Components in the LISUN GDJS-015B
To illustrate the application of the LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber, we conducted a series of tests on electronic components. The components were subjected to a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C with humidity levels varying between 30% and 90% RH. The objective was to assess the components’ resilience to environmental stress, focusing on parameters such as insulation resistance, dielectric strength, and overall functionality.

The test results are summarized in Table 1 below:

Test Cycle Temperature (°C) Humidity (%) Duration (Hours) Insulation Resistance (MΩ) Dielectric Strength (kV) Observations
1 -40 30 12 1000 5 No significant changes observed
2 25 50 12 980 4.8 Slight decrease in insulation
3 85 90 12 800 4.5 Insulation resistance decreases
4 -40 60 12 950 4.7 Recovery of insulation resistance
5 85 90 24 700 4.2 Signs of dielectric breakdown observed

The test results indicate that the electronic components maintained their insulation resistance and dielectric strength under moderate conditions. However, as the humidity levels increased at higher temperatures, there was a noticeable decline in these parameters. The reduction in insulation resistance and dielectric strength at 85°C and 90% RH suggests that the components are susceptible to moisture-induced degradation.

The recovery of insulation resistance at lower temperatures and higher humidity levels indicates that the components can partially regain their integrity once the environmental stress is reduced. However, prolonged exposure to high humidity at elevated temperatures leads to irreversible damage, as evidenced by the dielectric breakdown observed in the final test cycle.

These findings underscore the importance of humidity chambers in assessing the long-term reliability of electronic components. By simulating a range of environmental conditions, manufacturers can identify potential weaknesses and improve the design and materials used in their products.

Humidity chambers, such as the LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber, are invaluable tools for evaluating the environmental resilience of products. By accurately simulating a wide range of temperature and humidity conditions, these chambers enable manufacturers to predict the performance of their products in real-world environments.

The data and analysis presented in this paper demonstrate the critical role that humidity chambers play in the product development process. Through rigorous testing, manufacturers can identify potential issues, improve product durability, and ensure that their products meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.


LISUN Group. (n.d.). High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber. Retrieved from https://www.lisungroup.com/products/environmental-test-chamber/high-and-low-temperature-humidity-chamber.html
ASTM International. (2013). Standard Practice for Operating Humidity Chambers for the Testing of Textiles. ASTM D1776/D1776M-13.
IEC. (2010). Environmental Testing – Part 2-30: Tests – Test Db: Damp Heat, Cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle). IEC 60068-2-30.
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