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11 Apr, 2024 632 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Use a Hot Wire IgnitionTester to Test the Flammability of a Substance: Understand What is Hot Ignition Tester Test

What is Hot Wire Test?

Hot wire test is a common experiment methodology that is used to study the combustibility and thermal stability of materials. By placing the material above the hot wire and heating the hot wire, it is possible to evaluate the fire hazard and fire protection performance of the material by observing whether the material is ignited and the burning behavior after ignition.

Principle of Hot Wire Ignition Test:

The principle of hot wire ignition test is to utilize the heating effect of hot wire to expose the material to high temperature conditions to simulate the thermal radiation that the material receives in a fire. When the temperature of the hot wire reaches a certain degree, the material may be ignited and generate flames and smokes.

hot wire ignition test is mainly used for the fire hazards test of the materials of electronic and electronic products and household appliances. It is equivalent to simulate a thermal source or simulate the photofinishing element and overload, which is very easy to cause thermal stress in a very short time. Hot wire ignition tester adopts standard size (diameter: 0.5mm; length: 250mm) and special material (Ni80/Cr20), pre-annealing of heating wire and required heating power (0.26W/mm), designated time (8s~12s). The heating wire is heated on five sample loops according to the certain winding wire tension (5.4N) and certain winding wire distance (6.35mm). Then take the packaging heating wire to test until 120s and at the heating power of 0.26W/mm, users can judge the fire hazard according to whether the sample is ignited and the time of the ignition.

Use a Hot Wire IgnitionTester to Test the Flammability of a Substance: Understand What is Hot Ignition Tester Test

RSY-LT Hot Wire Ignition tester

Hot wire ignition tester is designed and manufactured according to “Hot Wire Ignition Test Method” in IEC60695-2-20GB4943 and GB4706 standards, applicable to the fire hazards of electrical and electronic products, household appliances materials. It simulates the thermal stress caused by hot component or overload resistance such as thermal source or point source in a short time. Hot wire ignition tester adopts 1.2mm stainless steel plate, imported instruments (Korean Autonics) display, convenient operation and stable performance, suitable for all levels of quality inspection departments and related enterprises to carry out flame retardant test.

When the components or parts are under fault or overload conditions, they may reach too high temperature or ignite the parts near them. The hot wire ignition test simulates the thermal stress caused by hot component or overload resistance such as thermal source or point source in a short time, and evaluates the fire hazard with simulation technology, which is suitable for plastic and non-metallic insulation materials components used in electrical and electronic products, components and household appliances parts such as: switch shell, relay socket.


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