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02 Jul, 2023 825 Views Author: Cherry Shen

What are the environments that affect the UV aging test chamber

UV aging test chamber is the result of accelerated weathering test on materials to obtain the weathering resistance of materials. It can simulate environmental conditions such as ultraviolet, rain, high temperature, high humidity, condensation and darkness in the natural environment and climate, and combine these environmental conditions into a cycle by reproducing them, and let it automatically complete the number of cycles; Therefore, its maintenance is particularly important. Many factors will affect the UV aging test chamber inadvertently:


1. Temperature in the chamber: the temperature in the chamber shall be controlled according to the specified test procedure when the equipment is in the irradiation stage or in the shutdown stage. The relevant specifications shall specify the temperature to be reached at the irradiation stage of 40 ℃ or 55 ℃ according to the intended use of the equipment or components;

Air flow velocity in the chamber: the air flow velocity near the sample surface will not only affect the temperature rise of the test sample, but also cause significant errors in the open thermoelectric stack monitoring the radiation intensity. Generally, the speed of 1 m/s will reduce the temperature rise of the thermoelectric stack by more than 20%. It can be seen that while effectively controlling the temperature or conditions in the cabinet; The air flow speed shall be monitored and the lowest speed shall be adopted as far as possible;

2. Humidity in the UV test chamber: under different humidity conditions, the photochemical degradation effects of various materials, coatings, plastics and other substances vary greatly. Because they have different requirements for humidity conditions, the specific temperature conditions are clearly specified by the relevant specifications;

3. Surface pollution of the chamber: dust and other pollution will seriously change the absorption characteristics of the surface of the illuminated object. In the absence of other regulations, the cleanliness of the sample shall be ensured during the operation of the test box;

4. Internal ozone and other polluting gases: the ozone generated by the chamber under the short-wave ultraviolet radiation of the light source can usually be excluded from the test chamber by correcting the spectral energy distribution non-radiation filter. Because ozone and other polluting gases can affect the deterioration process of some materials, these harmful gases must be discharged from the box unless otherwise specified;

5.  Installation of UV aging test chamber experimental support: the characteristics and installation method of various supports will have a serious impact on the temperature rise of the tested object, so special attention should be paid to the support. During the test, if most of the samples are installed on the support or cushion, they must be placed according to the regulations;

What needs to be done in order to make the UV test chamber use longer?
1. When the equipment is stopped for a long time, it needs to check the water source, power supply and various components to restart the equipment, and restart the equipment after confirming that there is no problem;
2. Operators should wear glasses and protective goggles to avoid eye injury caused by ultraviolet radiation; In the process of use, we recommend operators to minimize exposure to ultraviolet rays;
3. After the UV aging test chamber is used up, the plastic cover shall be covered to prevent the dust and other smiling substances from entering the chamber; If dust and other substances are found in the box, they shall be removed in time to keep the box clean at any time;
4. After use, the water in the test box shall be drained and the workroom and chamber shall be dried;
5. After each test, take out the tested object and clean the inner tank;
6. When the equipment is not running, keep it dry and disconnect the power supply;
7. The equipment should be placed in a place with good ventilation (it is recommended to install a ventilation fan) and should not be installed in a dusty place;
8. Prohibit chemicals from contacting the equipment;
9. The sensing device in the working room shall not receive strong impact;
10. In case of any failure that cannot be solved by itself, the equipment can not be disassembled without permission. Call the manufacturer in time and notify the professional personnel to repair the equipment to avoid causing safety problems or more serious errors;

UV aging test Chamber is designed for evaluating the resistant performance of non-metallic materials, organic materials (plastics, paints, coatings, rubbers, etc.) under the specified conditions such as sunlight, temperature, and other climatic conditions. It creates a man-made testing environment imitating the natural light source such as sunlight and other damages in the nature, such as rain and dew damage, to impose on the materials and to assess the degree of color changing and fading under the accelerated environment conditions. The chamber fully complies with the requirements of Standard ISO 4892-1ISO 4892-3, GB/T16585-1996, GB14522-93, GB/T16422.3-1997, ASTMG53 and etc., provides the best UV sunlight simulation, and is easy to use and operate.

What are the environments that affect the UV aging test chamber

UV-263LS UV aging test Chamber

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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