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17 Mar, 2023 1035 Views Author: Cherry Shen

What are the instruments of the vehicle waterproof test chamber

What is the vehicle waterproof test chamber?
It means that the test samples are various parts of the automobile and the whole vehicle, and the waterproof test is carried out on the shell of the product with the help of the tools of the test device., There are many kinds of them, such as ipx12 water drip tester, ipx34 pendulum tube rain test box, ipx56 strong flushing test device, ipx7/8 immersion tank and ipx9 high temperature and high pressure spray box. These are nine kinds of conventional water-proof instruments, and there is also a dust-proof instrument, which is divided into six types.


What are the requirements for vehicle waterproof test chamber?
The vehicle rain test device has two different meanings. One is a non-standard customized spray room, and the other is a large rain test device, which can detect the rain on the product without building a foundation. There are many requirements for this kind of equipment, for example, the implementation requirements need to meet the requirements of national and international standards, test methods, and technical parameters are all specified.

Take ipx56 waterproof test chamber as an example:
1. Structural parameters
External dimension of equipment: about 3560 * depth 1050 * height 1600mm (customizable)
Inner box size: about 600 mm long * 600 mm deep * 600 mm high (customizable)
Water storage tank volume: about 32L, size: about 450 × 360 wide × 200mm high (customizable)
Sample turntable size: 400mm diameter
IPX5 spray hole diameter: 6.3mm
IPX6 spray hole diameter: 12.5mm

2. Electrical parameters
Control system: (touch) 7-inch touch screen
Equipment power supply: 380V
Test sample power supply: 220V
Equipment power: 2.0KW

3. Functional parameters
IPX5 spray flow: 12.5 ± 0.625 (L/min)
IPX6 spray flow: 100 ± 5 (L/min)
Flow control mode: manual adjustment (rotameter)
Water spray distance: 2.7m (distance from nozzle to center of turntable)

4. Introduction of ipx56 Waterproof Test Chamber scheme
Ipx56 waterproof test chamber can be used for IPx5 and IPx6 waterproof detection of the product shell. In addition, it is divided into open, manual testing and automatic side injection instruments, which are applied to various samples of different sizes.

IPx56 waterproof test chamber:
1. The inner diameter of IPX5 nozzle is 6.3 mm, and the water flow is 12.5 ± 0.625 L/min; A circle with a diameter of about 40mm at the center of the main water flow 2.5m from the nozzle;
2. The inner diameter of IPX6 nozzle is 12.5 mm; The water flow is 100 ± 5L/min; The central part of the main water flow is about 120mm in diameter at 2.5m from the nozzle
3. The water spraying time per square meter of the shell surface is about 1min; The test time shall be at least 3 min.

How long is the test time of vehicle waterproof test chamber?
The test time of vehicle waterproof test chamber is in accordance with the requirements of GB/T12480-1990. The rainfall intensity of the rain laboratory is 4~10mm/min, the spray pressure of the nozzle is 69~147kPa, and the rain time is 15 minutes. However, for the purpose of inspection, the general manufacturer will require the vehicle rain test time to be more than 4 hours to find the parts that may leak. Of course, different users have different test requirements for the device, mainly according to the user’s test requirements for the product.

The vehicle waterproof test chamber is used to test the waterproof and sealing of the vehicle. Through the waterproof test chamber, the conditions of the rain test are similar to the natural conditions outside to confirm the waterproof and sealing status of the vehicle.

LISUN lauched JL-XC series waterproof test chambers are mainly used for small electronic and electrical products such as lamps, electrical cabinets, electrical components and so one. It is used for physical and other related properties checking under simulated climatic conditions. It determines whether the performance of the product meets the requirements or not after the test. It is very useful in the design, improvement, verification and factory inspection of the product. The JL-XC waterproof testing fully meets IEC60598-1,  IEC60529:1989 +A1:1999 +A2:2013 《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures(IP Code)》GB4208-2008 and GB7000.1.

What are the instruments of the vehicle waterproof test chamber

JL-56CP_Waterproof Test Chamber

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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