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24 Sep, 2021 2139 Views Author: Cherry Shen

What can an integrating sphere spectrophotometer system measure?

Integrating spheres spectrophotometers are optical devices often used to compute the optical characteristics of a turbid medium, i.e., reflectance and transmission. In many areas of science, including optics, radiometry, medicine, and biology, these integrating spheres, hereafter referred to as “spheres.”

Techniques and uses of integrating sphere spectrophotometer

The integrating sphere technique enables us to get the optical characteristics in various lighting and detecting settings. This technique may also be used to determine the optical characteristics of turbid media. In addition, you may use them to illuminate a surface with uniform diffuse light distribution. However, this flexibility has certain disadvantages.

Many techniques may be used, for example, to achieve the optical characteristics of turbid fluids. There are, on the one hand, single and double integration systems. On the other hand, the optical characteristics may be expressed in many ways depending on the selected method. These methods connect optical characteristics to the measured flux (power). These methods may be categorized into three categories.

The former relies on the geometric features of the sphere, the latter has power ratios, and the latter is a blend of the other two. The article has discussed these methods in-depth. A comparison between them has not been recorded, though. This is important because measurements using integration spheres may have high errors.

What can an integrating sphere spectrophotometer system measure?

Single or double integration systems may accomplish the integration technique. Here we shall concentrate on the former, although the benefits and inconveniences of both are briefly discussed. To achieve optical characteristics, the single integrating sphere system uses compact relations. The system’s calibration is easier, and the experimental configuration is easier than the dual integration system.

This system is also less expensive than the double integrating sphere spectrophotometer approach. However, the sample can not be diffusely illuminated in the transmission geometry, and reflectance and transmission cannot be concurrently measured. However, as we shall see later, you may address these issues by using two beams rather than one to light the sphere.

The double-integrated sphere system is one of the most common sample reflectance and transmission measurement setups because these values may be acquired concurrently. In addition, using the twofold integration system, the sample may be diffusely lit in the geometry of transmission or reflection. However, this method is difficult to install and calibrate and does not assist in decreasing measuring uncertainty. In addition, its experimental configuration is more costly than the single integrative system.

We think a practical and cheap method may be implemented to evaluate the optical characteristics of a turbid medium using a single integrating sphere system. LISUN provides the best integrating sphere system worldwide.

integrating sphere spectrophotometer basics

An integrated design of the sphere will influence its measuring accuracy. The reflectivity of the surface of the sphere and the size and position of ports, detectors, and blisters will all affect how the light bounces in the sphere. All these factors may affect a sphere’s capacity to integrate light. As described in this section, big 150 mm spheres offer superior light integration properties and are less susceptible to sample-generated heat spots.

The signal integration in smaller spheres is not as good, and the high port percentage usually seen in smaller spheres may cause substantial measuring errors owing to loss of flow. All these aspects must be taken into consideration while selecting a user-friendly integrative sphere attachment. In this article, we will examine the unique measuring method of the scatter transmission from a sample.

integrating sphere works with spectroradiometer

LPCE-2 Integrating Sphere Spectroradiometer LED Testing System is for single LEDs and LED lighting products light measurement. LED’s quality should be tested by checking its photometric, colorimetric and electrical parameters. According to CIE 177, CIE84CIE-13.3, IES LM-79-19, Optical-Engineering-49-3-033602, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015, IESNA LM-63-2 and ANSI-C78.377, it recommends to using an array spectroradiometer with an integrating sphere to test SSL products.

The LPCE-2 system is applied with LMS-9000C High Precision CCD Spectroradiometer or LMS-9500C Scientific Grade CCD Spectroradiometer, and A molding integrating sphere with holder base. This sphere is more round and the test result is more accruacy than the traditional integrating sphere.

• Colorimetric: Chromaticity coordinates, CCT, Color Ratio, Peak Wavelength, Half Bandwidth, Dominant Wavelength, Color Purity, CRI, CQS, TM-30 (Rf, Rg), Spectrum Test
• Photometric: Luminous Flux, Luminous Efficiency, Radiant Power, EEI, Energy Efficiency Class, Pupil Flux, Pupil Flux Efficiency, Pupil Factor, Cirtopic Flux, Plant Growth Lamp PAR and PPF
• Electrical: Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor, Displacement Factor, Harmonic
• LED optical maintenance test: Flux VS time, CCT VS time, CRI VS time, Power VS time, Power Factor VS time, Current VS time and Flux Efficiency VS time.


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, SpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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