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27 Nov, 2022 4570 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

What is digital oscilloscope and its applications?

The digital oscilloscope is a device that can record and store digital waveforms. OSP1102 is another name for this oscilloscope.
Input signals may be analog but are transformed to digital before being monitored, allowing for increased functionality and deeper insight into the signals via existing signal processing methods.
The collection of these individual samples from the ADC, known as waveform points, constitutes the waveform record. The length of a waveform is defined by the total amount of data points it contains in a given recording.
Digital signal oscilloscopes can monitor frequencies up to several gigahertz; however, this is limited by the converter’s capabilities and the scope’s sampling rate. DSO’s traces are clear, well-defined, and shown in seconds.

The basics of how a digital oscilloscope works
The input signal is digitized and stored in the digital oscilloscope’s memory. CRT (cathode ray tube) and digital memory may do this. Sampling the input signals at regular intervals allows for easy digitization.
These two variables determine the digital oscilloscope’s maximum signal frequency.
1. Rate of Sampling
2. The function of the converter
Rate of Sampling – The sampling theory is utilized to analyze input signals risk-freely. According to sampling theory, signal sample rates must be twice as rapid as the maximum frequency present in the input signal. In other words, the faster the sample rate, the faster the analog-to-digital converter can convert.
Converting – The converter uses a high-priced flash. The resolution degrades as the sampling rate grows. The bandwidth and resolution of an oscilloscope are limited by its sampling rate.
The shift register is also useful for eliminating the requirement for analog-to-digital signal converters. The shift register is used to store the input signal’s sample temporarily.
The signal is progressively read out of the shift register and stored digitally. This technique can function at up to 100 mega samples per second while reducing the cost of the converter.
The digital oscilloscope’s only shortcoming is that it can’t read information during the digitization process, making it blind to what was happening at the time.

Waveform Reconstruction
For seeing the last wave, the oscilloscopes employ the method of inter-polarization. The inter-polarization is the process of developing new data points with the aid of known variable data points.
The lines are used to interpolate between points. The pulsed or square waveform is also generated using linear interpolation. For the sine waveform, sinusoidal interpolation is employed in the oscilloscope.

Digital Oscilloscope

Figure: Digital oscilloscope

How to read an oscilloscope?
An oscilloscope processes input data to generate two-dimensional waveforms. For analysis, these waveforms are shown visually.
The amplitude is indicated along the Y-axis and time along the X-axis. It may verify any electrical circuit issue by seeing the screen’s waveform develop.

Why are Oscilloscopes important?
The electrical circuits in devices like televisions, lighting, air conditioners, etc., are tested with oscilloscopes.
Flowing current is defined as a circuit, which is a route having input and output. Electric current flows between two places because of voltage, which is the force that causes this potential difference.
Whenever the voltage is erratic, the circuit will begin to act up. Testing is required to identify the real issue, and oscilloscopes are employed for this purpose.
An oscilloscope’s ability to reveal the problem’s true origins makes it a useful tool for troubleshooting electrical and electronic systems.

Applications of Digital Storage Oscilloscope:
What does an Oscilloscope Measure?
An oscilloscope analyzes and gauges voltage and current in various ways.
It may use to track the evolution of a signal over time. It may be a diagnostic tool for electrical circuits since it reveals whether the tested circuit generates the intended signal.
Electronics, acoustics, telecommunications, signal processing, and medical electronics use them.
To see the circuit, oscilloscopes are complicated equipment. They make it possible to do near-instantaneous analyses of the electrical signal.
Many tasks, from simple diagnostics to in-depth analysis, may be performed with the help of a digital oscilloscope.
A digital storage oscilloscope is an electronic device that displays various signals’ waveforms. The design of electrical equipment, the testing of medical devices, and other related industries may all benefit from its utilization.

1. Auto repairing
A vehicle’s oscilloscope helps inspect the fuel injectors and other components while the engine is not running. Oscilloscopes provide for speedy diagnosis and reliable repairs.

2. Engineering
Electrical and electronics engineers often use high-powered scopes with many features or digital oscilloscopes with data storage, among the most prevalent types of engineers. Technicians in the audio industry use oscilloscopes to analyze the frequency response of various devices.

3. Sciences
The oscilloscope has several uses in the laboratories of scientists and physicists. Scientists in the nuclear industry may benefit from using scopes since physicists can use them to investigate the impact of various environmental changes, independent of the presence of television or mobile phone signals.

4. Medicine
As part of their regular patient monitoring, doctors regularly employ oscilloscopes. In this context, the word “flatline” A flatline like this is generated by a scope monitoring a patient’s heart rate. Second, this technique is used in medicine for monitoring brain waves during diagnosis.
Even those who work in the medical and laboratory fields rely on them. We can all understand how crucial this technology is in the modern workplace.

5. Monitoring
Simple problems, like applying the wrong example sketch on a light poker chip, may be easily fixed with the help of a digital oscilloscope. If you hook up an oscilloscope and keep an eye on things, you can immediately see any problems.

6. Tracing signals
Professionals might use the digital storage scope to help locate signals to check a malfunctioning component.
It may use the scope to detect anomalous signals and investigate subtle variations in component performance. It is often forgotten that it may use an oscilloscope to trace signals.

7. Telecommunications
Technicians in electronics often carry along oscilloscopes as part of their toolkit since they are essential for diagnosing and repairing many common electrical devices, including computers, televisions, air conditioners, and telephones.
The oscilloscope is being utilized here for diagnostic purposes so that it may use to keep things running smoothly.

Types of Oscilloscopes:
A digital oscilloscope’s usefulness is proportional to the bandwidth and sample rate at which it operates. Today, several digital oscilloscope models are on the market.
The bandwidth of a digital oscilloscope determines the maximum frequency at which repeated signals may be seen. Additionally, the oscilloscope’s capacity to catch transient is limited by the sampling rate.

1. Digital Storage Oscilloscope:
A digital storage oscilloscope is a tool for recording and storing time-varying signals for later viewing, analysis, printing, or archiving.
This Oscilloscope model has persistent storage that allows recording and transferring arbitrary signals to external devices.
This Oscilloscope model allows for the simultaneous analysis of four additional signals and the acquisition of single-event data through triggers.
You can manually or automatically set this trigger to meet your needs. Unlike its analog counterpart, a digital storage Oscilloscope cannot show the strength of a live signal in real-time.

2. Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes:
A Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope can capture and analyze signals more quickly than a traditional digital storage oscilloscope.
It achieves the greatest sampling rates and a real-time performance level for visualizing signals via parallel processing.
It’s like an analog oscilloscope in that both show the strength of a signal. This apparatus aids in storing the database of values of the rejected waveforms by mimicking the impact of phosphorous. The display becomes brighter in the regions where the waveforms meet.
Although digital phosphor oscilloscopes are great for viewing the intensity of a transparent signal, they may miss transient data that occurs outside the data capture window and their update rate.
It’s an improved take on the original, merging digital storage benefits with analog oscilloscopes. It provides excellent results in various design and general-purpose digital timing, communication, testing, and debugging procedures.

3. Portable Digital Oscilloscope:
Compact and feature-poor, portable oscilloscopes are difficult to recommend. As the name indicates, it may move them conveniently.
These gadgets feature an extremely robust protective housing they may utilize in any field application for fault finding.
Although compact, Fluke DSOs include a useful function that improves signal precision. These instruments resemble laboratory oscilloscopes and are also useful for getting precise readings.
LISUN has all types of oscilloscopes you need.

Basic Oscilloscope Controls and Terminologies:
Before using the digital oscilloscope, it is vital to know the basic controls to get maximum use and run it efficiently.
It is well known that Oscilloscopes need an ever-growing number of adjustments before providing the precise image of the measured signal.
Please inform us of this adjustment so that we may get the desired waveform:

1. Vertical Position in DSO:
The vertical position control on the muscle score is used to determine the location of the trace.
Locating the trace’s origin might be crucial if the signal is not a phrase. We place a handy client on the graticule to take readings of the data’s location above and below zero.

2. Vertical Gain:
The Gain of an amplifier may be adjusted using a slider labeled “Vertical Gain” on the oscilloscope. This is well-known for regulating the magnitude of the desired signal along the vertical axis.

3. Trigger:
The Trigger knob determines the starting position for the waveform scan. For a similar oscilloscope to begin scanning after a specified voltage level has been attained, it must establish a trigger.
This slider lets you choose whether the trigger will be activated by a rising or falling edge in the waveform. The oscilloscope has a dedicated toggle switch labeled with positive and negative indications for making these adjustments.

4. Timebase:
It may adjust the scan rate of a digital oscilloscope with the help of time, which controls the option. A set amount of time is shown on-screen for this control’s calibration. This allows one to determine the period of the displayed waveform.

5. Beam Finder:
The primary purpose of the oscilloscope has been to locate its tracing function. On certain displays, tracing may be invisible. Pressing the beam finder button makes it possible to locate the target being and then move it to the screen’s center to see it in detail.

6. Trigger Hold-off:
It’s an important part of the trigger’s overall operation. The name “trigger hold off” prevents the trigger from going off too soon after the initial scan is finished.
Because several locations on the waveform might trigger the oscilloscope, it must have a trigger hold-off function. It is possible to enable a steady display by adjusting to this feature.

The primary benefit of a digital oscilloscope
Thanks to an analog-to-digital converter and a microprocessor, digital oscilloscopes can show data quickly and with great resolution.
These microcontrollers provide a high-speed, high-resolution input signal. This digital oscilloscope is useful because it can show the waveforms of complicated signals.
It may show the necessary management calculations in numerical and waveform output displays that reflect the chosen parameters.
This device’s capacity to access and analyze data stored digitally in memory is a major selling point. It also can automatically take measurements according to user-defined criteria.
Both desktop and portable standalone digital oscilloscopes are on the market today. Users have additional options for data collecting and real-time presentation when using a DSO since it may be connected to many PCs.
There is no need for physical proximity to a computer after it has been set up. It can store visual information and retrieve it for later viewing without interfering with ongoing tasks.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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