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07 Mar, 2024 626 Views Author: Cherry Shen

What is EMC Test Chamber? Technical Innovation Improving Electromagnetic Environment – Electromagnetic shielding cabinet

What is an EMC Test Chamber?

EMC Test, also known as Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC), stands for Electro Magnetic Compatibility, referring to the comprehensive evaluation of the size of electromagnetic field interference (EMI) and anti-interference ability (EMS) of electronic products, which is one of the important indicators of product quality. The measurement of electromagnetic compatibility is composed of the test site and the test instrument. Therefore, the EMC test box is a powerful carrier in this test.

What is Electromagnetic shielding cabinet?

Electromagnetic shielding cabinet, referred to as EMC Room, is a dedicated room with electromagnetic shielding function used to shield harmful electromagnetic wave interference material, thus tackling electromagnetic interference technology. It is also used for testing the electromagnetic interference performance of the equipment and verifying the electromagnetic compatibility performance of the related products in such an indoor environment.

Components of Electromagnetic Shielding Cabinet:

Electromagnetic Shielding Cabinet reflects the wisdom and advance of human technology, which separates indoor and outdoor, properly protecting indoor electronic equipment from external electromagnetic interference and ensuring accuracy in testing and correctness of the device.

What is EMC Test Chamber? Technical Innovation Improving Electromagnetic Environment - Electromagnetic shielding cabinet

SDR-2000B_Magnetic Shielding Cabinet for EMI Testing

The components of the Electromagnetic Shielding Cabinet can be divided into three parts: The body of the shield room, the shielding system and the protection system. The main feature of the EMC room is independence, which separates indoor and outdoor environment. The shielding system is an important part of separating the indoor and outdoor electromagnetic environment, using high-quality shielding technology and filtering equipment to achieve complete isolation between the indoor and outdoor environment, thus achieving the effect of shielding the EMC room.

The protection system is used to protect the indoor electronic equipment, including surge protection and electromagnetic wave absorption, protecting electronic equipment from being damaged by induced current.

Functions of Electromagnetic Shielding Cabinet:

With the seriousness of electromagnetic pollution increasing, the application of an Electromagnetic Shield Room is becoming more important for it can effectively separates external electromagnetic interference, protecting information from being leaked, improving metering and testing accuracy, optimizing the working status of indoor electronics and electrical equipment and avoiding interference with physical health and preventing losses caused by enemy’s electromagnetic interference. On building an electromagnetic shield room, it should be designed according to the relevant national standards to ensure the shielding effect, pay attention to the structure and internal universality of the shield room and carefully reduce any leakages that might cause leakage.

The use of an Electromagnetic Shielding Cabinet can effectively make full use of the advantages of electromagnetic shielding material technology, and provide more perfect services for the users, achieving higher level of electromagnetic shielding, effectively solving the serious problem of electromagnetic pollution people now are facing.

Electromagnetic shielding technology is an effective protection technology used to protect computers, communication machines, electronic equipment and other sensitive equipment from the indirect lightning or strong electromagnetic interference. it adopts high-efficiency aluminum foil shielding layer, which can seal the indoor electromagnetic environment and suppress potential electromagnetic interference sources and space.

Besides, magnetic shielding technology can also be used as an enhanced design, meeting the requirements of certain intensity of the equipment in the electromagnetic environment, so as to prevent electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) attenuation and interference failure. The use of electromagnetic shielding technology can ensure that the electromagnetic wave does not enter the interior of the electronic equipment, and can effectively protect the indoor equipment, reduce the operating costs of shield and make the electronic equipment more reliable and safe in operation. The development of electromagnetic shielding cabinet has great significance for today’s electronic products, and will play a greater role in the future.


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