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02 May, 2022 1228 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

What kind of Environmental Chamber suits your needs

What are the Types of Temperature Chambers

Temperature chambers come in a wide range of sizes, from those that fit on a shelf to those that are the size of a building. The temperature humidity chamber price varies according to specifications as well. The quantity of space available and the required conditions to be achieved are the most important aspects to consider when selecting a thermal chamber.

What kind of Environmental Chamber suits your needs

Temperature Humidity Chamber, Climate Chamber

LISUN produces a variety of thermal chambers and although a basic test chamber can be purchased, most customers prefer to collaborate with producers to develop a chamber that is tailored to their individual needs. Each customer has various criteria that they want to evaluate, and the chamber they purchase must match those requirements. This article will help you determine what chamber suits your needs.

Thermal Chambers

Thermal chambers that are portable have good performance and a small footprint. They’re simple to set up, use little power, and make very little noise, but they include all of the essential functionality of larger systems. Portable devices may produce temperatures ranging from -70° C to and above 150° C, regardless of their size.

Bench top Temperature Chambers

Bench top temperature chambers, like portable chambers, are a low-cost, small-footprint technique of temperature testing. Smaller components, such as sensors, computer circuit boards, and cell phones, are tested using them. They are suited for small-scale research and development operations because they are compact and adaptable. Bench top temperature chambers range in size from 0.89 to 5.5 cubic feet and have a temperature range of -68 to 180 degrees Celsius.

Walk-In Temperature Chambers

Larger walk-in thermal chambers are meant for several or big items. They can be modular and provided as a single unit, or they can be built on the spot. The bulk of walk-in chambers are custom built to the customer’s specifications. Solid walk-in chambers have welded walls for a complete seal, whereas panel walk-in chambers contain lightweight insulated panels that are quick and easy to construct.

Walk-in temperature chambers are available in a number of sizes. Most walk-in temperature chambers are custom-built. They can withstand temperatures ranging from -40°C to 150°C, depending on the design.

Reach-In Temperature Chambers

They are floor-based and have casters or wheels for mobility. They have a small footprint with a larger capacity, similar to bench top and portable test chambers. They range in size from 10 to 64 cubic feet and have a temperature range of -68 to 180 degrees Celsius. The temperature difference in reach-in test chambers is 1.0°C.

How a Temperature Chamber Works


Cycling, burn-in, and shock are the three types of thermal testing methods. Each test assesses a component’s capacity to withstand severe temperatures.

Thermal Cycling
Thermal cycling is a controlled test in which the temperature in the chamber alternates between extremes. The rate of change is controlled to keep thermal stress to a minimum and ensure that the part reaches the necessary temperature. The pace of change is carefully monitored to ensure that temperatures do not rise too quickly beyond what a part can sustain.

Burn-In Test
The burn-in test involves maintaining a constant temperature for a lengthy period of time. The goal of the test is to determine a part’s capacity to work under specific environmental circumstances. The test contains a precise temperature control system, as well as power readings and high reliability. The purpose is to verify that components are in good working order before they are shipped.

The burn-in test is used in a wide range of industries, from semiconductor manufacturers to consumer appliance testing and military gear. The test’s primary goals are to verify product safety and dependability.

Thermal Shock
While thermal shock testing and cycling may appear to be comparable, the main distinction is the amount of time spent at each level of testing. Because products may be exposed to a wide range of temperatures during their useful life, the capacity of a product to endure significant temperature variations is a critical quality.

The most severe type of temperature testing is thermal shock testing. The temperature gradients are changing at a rapid rate of about 30° C per minute or quicker. Packaging, airplane components, military equipment, and some electronics are all tested with it.

Benefits of Environmental chamber Testing

Before releasing components into production, products must be checked for reliability to ensure that they can endure a variety of environmental issues. It will lower the expenses of recalls and warranties. Item testing can also give you a competitive advantage by assisting in the design and production of a more durable product. As a result, the object is ready for consumer use.

Customers can also use reliability testing to meet supplier requirements. Humidity and temperature testing are the most common types of environmental testing.

Design validation Testing
The basic functionality of the product is evaluated to verify that it operates smoothly in regular conditions. It will face specification-driven challenges throughout its life cycle, which can be addressed during the research and development process. The purpose of the production phase is to pass all tests and satisfy all specifications without any failures, resulting in a reliable product.

Validation of Products
Product validation ensures that a product meets the standards, specifications, and rules for which it was designed. To predict defects or gaps in the design or manufacturing processes that could lead to problems, the product validation procedure employs simulations similar to those used in design validation.

Environmental Stress Screening
When customers use the product, environmental stress testing uses a variety of different loads, such as temperature cycling, to produce latent faults. The possibility for failure in freshly made or repaired devices or components has catastrophic effects. In comparison to an unscreened population, the living components or products are believed to have better reliability.

Product Lifecycle Testing
Producers for these four types of evaluations can be found by mimicking real-world field conditions like humidity and temperature. Many items go through traditional testing procedures that are commonly acknowledged by the army, IEC, and UL.

Environmental test chambers are used by a few major markets to profit from product dependability testing. Markets like as aerospace, consumer electronics, automotive, and others conduct testing to ensure the safety of their goods. Any electrical device must be tested to ensure that it will function properly in a variety of environments. 

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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