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14 May, 2022 2070 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

What you need to know about Environmental Chambers

What components are generally used in an Environmental Chamber?


A thermocouple is a moveable device that measures temperature. Product temperature control maximizes stress on the product through the chambers using a thermocouple.

Airstream Control vs. Temperature Control

The air temperature at the air supply’s outlet source is measured through air stream control. On the other hand, the temperature of the product is measured through product temperature control.

Single-stage vs. cascade refrigeration

Two compressors are present in a cascade refrigeration system. These allow the chamber to reach minus 70 degrees Celsius. A single compressor is used in single-stage refrigeration. This allows the chamber to reach minus 40 degrees Celsius.

Water Cooled Condenser vs. Air Cooled Condenser

The refrigeration system in the environmental test chamber can be cooled in one of three ways. Smaller compressor chambers with six horsepower compressors can be cooled by onboard air or a water-cooled condenser. Water-cooled or remote air-cooled condensers can be used to cool chambers with compressors rated at six horsepower or more. Remote air-cooled condensers are often installed on top of the facility or on the ground. The goal of all condensers is to remove heat from the compressors and other components of the refrigeration system.

Nitrogen purge (dry air) or nitrogen purge (gaseous nitrogen)

At low temperatures, the dry air purge option allows for functioning in less moisture. The machine consists of a flow meter controller and a regulator solenoid. It operates on compressed air and is particularly effective at removing moisture from the environment. Another option to dry air purge is gaseous nitrogen. It tries to lower the moisture content in the environmental test chamber for carrying out tests.

Oxygen monitor and liquid nitrogen boost

Liquid nitrogen boost allows for faster product heat dissipation. To monitor oxygen levels, an oxygen monitor or monitors can be added to the chamber or test lab. If there is a lack of oxygen in the environment, it will sound an alarm which will help you rectify the situation.

Wet-bulb vs. electronic humidity sensor

There are only a few parts to a basic humidity system. An electronic humidity sensor provides high-quality answers and is very accurate at low humidity levels. It requires less maintenance than a wet-bulb system that may require frequent wick replacements. It is also better than a humidity system that can become clogged with filthy water from the test.

Water Bath vs. Steam Generator

The steam generator generates a lot of moisture and water vapor. This is ideal for transitions. On the other hand, the water bath system is unable to generate large amounts of moisture and has poor low humidity management. This is due to the water in the bath.

What can you test using a Temperature Chamber

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber

High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber

A temperature chamber is a chamber used to conduct a variety of environmental experiments. One of the most common reasons of product failure is excessive or high temperatures. Thus, evaluating a new or existing product for conditions that can impact its shelf life is essential.
Tests that are run through a temperature chamber provide information about extreme temperature changes. They also discuss the impacts of excessive moisture content. These tests define the parameters of a product’s design and provide information on flaws or early failure. This helps manufacturers better develop their products. LISUN is a top humidity chamber manufacturer. Various kinds of temperature testing can be conducted using LISUN environmental chambers, some of which are discussed.

Temperature Extremes

The testing of temperature extremes and their influence on items is an important thing undertaken by this equipment. Temperature chambers do not provide a single set of temperature ranges. They differ depending on the product to be tested and the testing company’s criteria. Temperatures typically vary from -78°C to 150°C.

Thermodynamic Shock

Rapid cycling at a minute per temperature change can reveal a lot about a product’s ability to withstand a variety of circumstances in a short period of time. Electronics are subjected to a number of thermal shock tests. These are particularly from the aircraft industry.


Increased temperature gradients are an important aspect of boosting humidity. Hence, temperature chambers play an important role in humidity testing. The combination of moisture and heat causes water molecules in the air to expand. This results in different types of humidity.


Temperature testing is an important aspect of altitude testing. This is because temperatures fluctuate rapidly when aircraft rises into the atmosphere. Temperature chambers can imitate temperatures at various altitudes. They can also provide information on a product’s capacity to withstand these conditions as well.

Accelerated Weathering

The fabrication of prospective weather conditions that a product may encounter during its use is known as accelerated weathering. The weather can range from ordinary to extreme, with big storms and tragedies thrown in for good measure. Data is produced more quickly and accurately when weathering is simulated and precisely regulated. This allows for the measurement of a product’s stability and endurance. The combined data reveals how a product reacts to light, heat, extreme temperature changes and the seasons in various parts of the country. Any type of weather can be manufactured and correctly using the highly powerful computing technology of a temperature chamber rapidly.

What weaknesses does the Thermal Chamber Identifies

Temperature causes stress in a product. It is something that every product goes through during its lifetime. The importance of temperature for a product varies depending on the product. Electronics are more likely to be subjected to temperature stress due to the nature of their operation.
Specific temperature tests can be done to verify the sustainability of a product. High and low temperatures, thermal cycling, thermal shock, and temperature with humidity are the most common types of tests.

High Temperature Testing

High temperature testing can reveal a number of different factors. You can determine swelling or contraction of finished surfaces. You can check for parts and insulation melting. Parts having a shorter life span can be found. Heat produces a chemical reaction or oxidation. Its presence can be tested. Electrical components can be checked for overheating and failure. Lubricants for large equipment and machines may have a different viscosity. You can also study the changes in structure and mechanics.

Low Temperature Testing

Low temperature testing can spot loss of flexibility and brittleness. It can determine the changes in electrical constants and why components freeze up. Lubricants turning to gel or becoming more viscous in large machinery is a problem that can be sorted through environmental chambers. Similarly, reasons for rapid heat loss, surface cracking, peeling, or flaking and complete structural collapse are also studied through environmental testing.

Rapid Cycling of Temperatures

Parts react differently at different temperatures and material size and shape change. Thus, insulation, seals, gaskets, and shafts or bearings may become deformed and disfigured. So, it is import to test electronics to fix these issues. Circuit performance fluctuates at different temperatures and circuit boards can fail as well. Similarly, joints and connectors break or detach.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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