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11 Sep, 2022 1514 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

What you need to know about LISUN’s IK level tester

Worldwide, enclosures and control cabinets are utilized in a variety of settings and must adhere to the tightest safety standards. A crucial role is played in this by protection category tests that concentrate on how much water and other environmental factors can enter enclosures. One such test that is frequently performed in devices is IK testing. LISUN makes and supplies IK level testers. You can use these to test out your products before releasing them in the market.

What is an IK rating?
The definition of an IK rating is IKXX, where “XX” is a number from 00 to 10 denoting the level of protection offered by enclosures (including luminaires) against external mechanical impacts. The various IK ratings refer to how well an enclosure can withstand impacts with joule-level impact energy (J). For each level of IK rating, EN/IEC 62262 specifies the impact hammer to be used, the amount and distribution of test hits, how the enclosure must be positioned for testing, the necessary air conditions, and more.
Most makers of luminaires are asked to do IK level tests (Impact Protection). IEC62262 Impact Protection Tester | IK07 to IK10 Pendulum Impact Hammer is the IK test instrument that LISUN can provide.

The IK rating, which was initially connected to the IP sealing test, evolved into a distinct rating to gauge a product’s impact resistance in 1995. A third number had occasionally been added to the ingress protection rating (IP rating) before IK ratings were widely used, for example, IP66 (9). This nonstandard use was one of the key reasons that led to the creation of a standard. Any standards that conflicted with this one had to be withdrawn by 1997. This standard went into force in 1995.

What you need to know about LISUN’s IK level tester

IK Level Tester IK07-10

An IK Rating shows how enclosures should be mounted for tests, as well as atmospheric conditions, how many impacts should be made (based on enclosure size), as well as the distribution of impacts, as well as the size, shape, dimensions, and even material of the various types of hammers (objects) designed to produce the necessary energy levels. Then, this is expressed as joules. It now has a connection to the European standard EN 62-262.

IK ratings and the extent of protection they provide
IK00 – No Protection is provided.
IK01 – Impact protection against 0.14 joules (this is the equivalent to the impact of a 0.25kg mass dropped from 56mm above)
IK02 – Impact protection against 0.2 joules (this is the equivalent to the impact of a 0.25kg mass dropped from 80mm above)
IK03 – Impact protection against 0.35 joules (this is the equivalent to the impact of a 0.2kg mass dropped from 140mm above)
IK04 – Impact protection against 0.5 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 0.25kg mass dropped from 200mm above the impacted surface)
IK05 – Impact protection against 0.7 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 0.25kg mass dropped from 280mm above the impacted surface)
IK06 – Impact protection against 1 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 0.25kg mass dropped from 400mm above the impacted surface)
IK07 – Impact protection against 2 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 0.5kg mass dropped from 400mm above the impacted surface)
IK08 – Impact protection against 5 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 1.7kg mass dropped from 300mm above the impacted surface)
IK09 – 10 joules of impact protection (the equivalent to the impact of a 5kg mass dropped from 200mm above the impacted surface)
IK10 – Impact protection against 20 joules (the equivalent to the impact of a 5kg mass dropped from 400mm above the impacted surface)

What is the working principle of an IK test?
The choice of a product may depend on IK rating. Instead of rating mechanical life, it rates a product’s ability to withstand environmental aggressions. As a result, it is an essential component of every product meant for consumer goods. A specialized test using a “Charpy pendulum” impact tester is used to rate the IK impact resistance. This tool assesses a product’s resistance to three consecutive, identical hits.

Two factors affect the impact energy, which is measured in joules. These are the separation between the test sample and the hammer, and the hammer’s mass. An IK code is given to the product based on the resistance level rated during the test. The energy level that the product can absorb is determined by this code, which ranges from IK0 to IK10.

Why are IK level testing important in products?
Tests on product enclosures are mostly required to ascertain a product’s durability. Understanding the type of use a product will actually have is crucial for product development. The situations in which the product is used can be unexpected, and it is difficult to predict in advance their strength and impact on the product without testing it. Impact tests assist you in determining your product’s actual impact resistance in accordance with the product enclosure rating system. This grade helps a product sell better since it gives a clear indication of how long it will last and, consequently, if it is suitable for particular uses.

An international rating system called the IK rating describes how well a product or its shell is protected from outside influences, specifically shocks. The IK00 class is where this grade begins, indicating that the product lacks specific protection from the outside world. These external shocks may take the form of punches or shocks that occur unintentionally when using the product, vandalism, or even purposeful shocks. Therefore, in actuality, a product with a higher IK rating is more vandal-resistant than a product with a lower value.

IK Rated products are crucial, particularly if they are in public spaces, busy commercial areas, or locations that are vulnerable to damage. A product’s ability to function may be compromised or lost entirely if it is damaged. Damage results in higher costs for maintenance or replacement, as well as the probable need to restrict access to certain sections. A broken product may potentially result in a hazard, particularly in public places where there may be leftover debris or insufficient lighting or information. In order to determine whether you require a fixture with a high or low IK Rating, it is crucial to analyze the danger of an impact. For this purpose you can use LISUN IK level tester.

Where can you use IK level tested products?
Products with high IK ratings are utilized in settings where they may be subjected to high impact or damage. In this list include places like factories, busy streets, public access sites, jails, and schools.

How are IK level tests performed?
According to the IEC 62 262 test standard, impact protection tests (classification for protection category against external mechanical stress) are conducted for empty enclosures to IEC 62 208. The ensuing testing requirements must be followed.

Installation Procedure
The enclosure must be properly secured during the test, just like it would be in regular use. This means that the enclosure cannot be evaluated in a free-hanging position, for example, because it is not securely fastened and because this is not how it would be used in everyday life. According to the standard’s specifications and the usual area of use, mounting on the floor or wall is acceptable.

Performing the test
Every surface that would be exposed during regular use is put through an impact test. For an enclosure with a length of less than 1 m in the region to be tested, three stresses are applied; for a length of more than 1 m, a total of five stresses are applied. The same point should not be stressed more than three times. All hits, though, must be dispersed uniformly across the item. To put it another way, the area must follow a specific symmetry rather than being tested indiscriminately.

By supplying the enclosure with the necessary quantity of energy (joules). By “control dropping” predetermined weights onto the cage from predetermined heights and angles, we perform these conventional tests in a controlled environment. We employ the mechanism outlined in the standard to supply the energy in order to apply the proper number of impact energy (joules) to the surface. On the same place, strikes are delivered three times without bouncing. In order to guarantee that the IK rating is accurate for the entire product, not just the harder parts, this test is carried out numerous times on each test enclosure while looking for flaws.


Criteria to maintain in the testing area
Testing does not include hinges, locks, or other components of the enclosure. After testing, not only must the IP protection category be maintained, but insulation, door opening and closing, and cover installation and disassembly must also be guaranteed. When testing (partially) constructed enclosures as low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies in accordance with IEC 61 439-1, the equipment’s dependability (such as maintaining clearance and creepage distances) must still be guaranteed.

Depending on which places on the enclosure are put through impact testing, the test results change. Applying stress at a maximum of three nearby places will allow for the most intensive testing of the enclosure’s most vulnerable points. However, there is no law governing this, and less important impact- and shock-proof locations can be tested successfully. Depending on the situation, the IK code may be lower or greater. The manufacturer may have an impact on the outcome of impact protection testing under this flexible framework.

How you can improve the IK rating of your product using LISUN IK tester
The following list outlines the four basic strategies to raise impact rating:
1. Material – Selecting a material with excellent impact resistance
2. Thickness – Increase the enclosure’s material thickness
3. Design the enclosure’s form to deflect impacts or disperse the energy of those impacts over a larger region.
4. Low IP rating – Using a rating that is lower than IP (or NEMA) permits the enclosure to bend more after impacts while still passing the testing.

Greater IP-rating or a higher initial cost for the enclosure due to better raw materials are typically necessary trade-offs for higher IK-rating. The most crucial component when looking for high IK-rated enclosures is raw material. Glass-reinforced polyester, polycarbonate, and stainless steel are the top three enclosure materials.

Stainless steel, the priciest material, offers the best impact resistance; glass reinforced polyester, while exceedingly strong, is not recyclable; and most recently, polycarbonate has joined this category thanks to technological advancements. A recyclable, UV-resistant material, polycarbonate is also non-corrosive.

Usually, a thicker enclosure wall increases the enclosure’s toughness. Round designs allow impact energy to be deflected from or dispersed to a greater region because corners are typically the weak places. Generally speaking, a spherical enclosure has a higher probability of withstanding impacts than an equivalent enclosure with sharp edges.

What conditions need to be maintained for appropriate testing?
Conditions to be maintained for appropriate testing include 15°C to 35°C temperature range, 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar), and 0 to 2000 m elevation.

Do you have any leeway while using an IK level tester?
The impact protection testing required by IEC 62 262 allows for certain latitude, which is why an IK code is not always completely significant. In rare cases, the manufacturer’s discretion may play a role in the accuracy of laboratory testing and the points that are examined on an enclosure. Testing at impact- and shock-proof areas has one result, whereas testing at more sensitive spots has an entirely different result.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep:  Service@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep:  Sales@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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