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10 Oct, 2023 772 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Why do we need to conduct a waterproof test? What can be applied to waterproof testing equipment

Waterproof testing equipment is a device used to test the waterproof performance of products. It can simulate environments such as water pressure, temperature, and humidity under different conditions, test the waterproof performance of products under different conditions, and prove whether the products comply with relevant standards and requirements. Therefore, it has been widely used in various industries such as electronics and electrical engineering, household appliances, diving, automobiles, etc.

Waterproof testing equipment mainly simulates the rainwater weather environment in natural environments through artificial systems, and then conducts waterproof tests on the shells of various products. The main test is whether the products have water resistance, wind resistance, drip corrosion resistance, etc. Why is the waterproof testing equipment simulated with pure water?

Water resources are essential natural resources in our daily lives. When using water for waterproof testing equipment, the circulating pure water inside the testing equipment can ensure the accuracy of the product’s testing results, while water with impurities can affect the testing results and also affect the service life of the instrument. Therefore, it is also important to choose clean water when testing products.

The functions of waterproof testing equipment include: achieving water pressure and temperature control, simulating the use status of products in different environments, visualizing the experimental process, automatic data recording and analysis, etc.

Why do we need to conduct a waterproof test?
Although water is a harmless resource, some have heard the truth that water wears away stone. In addition to the fact that items can be damaged by moisture after being drenched in water, it also has the effect of eroding items. Static surfaces may even be damaged by water erosion.


 Applicable objects of waterproof testing equipment:
In fact, with the development of the technology and electronics era, the use of waterproof testing equipment has been widely applied in various industries, such as diving, household appliances, LED lighting fixtures, outdoor display screens, etc., playing an important role in the mechanical industry.

Precautions for purchasing waterproof testing equipment:
1. Consider the scope of application for purchasing equipment. Different waterproof testing equipment has different levels of protection. In addition to nine common types, there are also multi-functional comprehensive rain test chambers, such as ipx69K, IPX39K, IPX16, IPX39K, etc. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to clearly define the type of product to be tested to determine the specifications and models of the required equipment.

2. Considering the external size of the equipment and the size of the waterproof testing equipment chamber, in addition to common standard specifications, it can be customized according to the testing needs of users for the product. Small rain test chambers are generally suitable for testing small and medium samples, while for particularly large samples, large waterproof testers or customized ones need to be selected.

3. There is also a special note to note, which is whether it is necessary to conduct power on testing during product testing. This is something that many people may not be aware of, so it is necessary to negotiate and explain before conducting purchase cooperation.

JL-XC series waterproof test chambers are mainly used for small electronic and electrical products such as lamps, electrical cabinets, electrical components and so one. It is used for physical and other related properties checking under simulated climatic conditions. It determines whether the performance of the product meets the requirements or not after the test. It is very useful in the design, improvement, verification and factory inspection of the product. The JL-XC waterproof testing fully meets IEC60598-1,  IEC60529:1989 +A1:1999 +A2:2013 《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures(IP Code)》GB4208-2008 and GB7000.1.

Why do we need to conduct a waterproof test? What can be applied to waterproof testing equipment

JL-56CP Waterproof Test Chamber

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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