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12 Apr, 2024 1110 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Why Do We Need Withstand Voltage Test- The Necessity of Studying Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage test

Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test Standards:

Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test is an important indicator for measuring the insulation performance of electrical equipment, and its effective measuring standards are: For general test equipment, leakage current values between the spark wire and the shell can be measured, the basic standard requires two times the working voltage plus 1000V as the test voltage value, sometimes it may exceed this standard value. According to IEC 61010, Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test requires that the test voltage must be slowly increased to the required test voltage within 5 seconds, the voltage should be stabilized and loaded at the measured insulation body for more than 5 seconds, and the comparison of the leakage current with the standard leakage current threshold can determine whether the insulation performance of the tested product meets the requirements.

The withstand voltage performance of the test equipment is an important reference for testing the quality of electrical appliances. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) stipulates the basic requirements of withstand voltage test in IEC 61010 standard. The test requires two times of the working voltage of the test equipment, plus 1000V as the standard voltage of the Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test, and according to the regulation, the test voltage must be increased gradually within 5 seconds, and then keep it for a certain period of time (no less than 5 seconds), and then gradually decrease to zero. During the test, the leakage current is measured to judge whether the insulation performance of the equipment meets the standard.

What is insulation withstand voltage test?

Insulation withstand voltage test is a method to test whether the insulation materials and spacing of electrical equipment meet the requirements, used to maintain a higher voltage state for a certain time, to determine whether the insulation is in line with the qualifying requirements. Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test is part of electrical safety standards and plays an important role in the detection of insulation local defects, dampness and aging conditions.

An Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Tester is a testing tool used to check the insulation level of electronic components, electrical circuits and other electrical equipment. This instrument adjusts the voltage to the required specifications for testing through an AC power transformer and a voltage regulator. The internal capacity of the insulation tester usually requires more than 500VA to ensure that there is enough voltage when the output current is large. In addition, the fluctuation of urban electricity will affect the output voltage, so it is usually required to adjust the output voltage to be 20% higher than the actual need to prevent it from being restricted by the fluctuation. Electrical Withstand Voltage Testing is used to check whether breakdown occurs and whether the specified insulation distance is complied with under high voltage.

The working principle of the Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Tester:

The electric Withstand Voltage tester is composed of AC/DC high-voltage power supply, timer controller, detection circuit, indicating circuit and alarm circuit, etc., and its basic working principle is: to compare the leakage current under the test high voltage of the Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Tester with the preset judgment current. When the leakage current is less than the judgment current, the instrument passes the test; if the leakage current is greater than the judgment current, the test voltage will be cut off momentarily and an alarm will be made, so as to locate the withstand voltage strength of the test piece.

Whether AC or DC voltage is used for Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Tester depends on the test conditions stipulated by the organization. Although both AC and DC electrical test technologies have advantages, in actual use, it is more typical to select the test method according to the type of power supply of the product. If the product is powered by AC, then AC testing should be used; if the product is powered by DC, then DC testing can be selected.

WB2671B AC/DC Withstand Voltage Test

WB2671B AC/DC Withstand Voltage Test

In AC withstand voltage testing, voltage will not charge capacitance, and two-pole voltage can be tested, and in most cases, voltage can reach stable output without gradual increase, so the measurement result is more accurate; in DC withstand voltage testing, a gradual increase process is needed, so that current generated can be monitored in real time, can be found before the tested product is broken down, to prevent the product from being damaged, and the detection data is more intuitive and realistic; but there are a few cases of false verdicts, in which case, the line can be connected without capacitance before the Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Test is done, or DC withstand voltage testing can be used directly to solve it.

No matter what kind of voltage testing method, the test voltage must be twice the working voltage of the test product plus 1000V (or sometimes minus 1000V). If DC testing is used in place, the voltage needs to be slightly higher, such as 1.414 times. For double insulation products, the required test voltage may be higher.

Why Do We Need Withstand Voltage Test?

The voltage testing of the voltage testing equipment is a non-destructive testing technology, which can be used to test whether the insulation performance of the product under the transient high voltage environment meets the requirements, and at the same time, it can also reveal the presence of electrical gaps, creepage distances and other problems in the manufacturing process. The Electrical Safety Withstand Voltage Tester can be placed in a high voltage environment with certain time to ensure that the insulation capability of the product has sufficient stability.


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