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05 Sep, 2022 897 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

Why gonio-spectrophotometers are so popular in the current market

Traditional photometry laboratories are no longer in use in the modern world. A new level of complex instruments is required for better results. This is so you can measure the performance of LED-based luminaires at various angle orientations. It will help you achieve a thorough characterization.

A gonio-spectrophotometer is an instrument that combines the capabilities of a gonio-photometer with the traits of a spectroradiometer. It helps you measure brightness. It also aids in assessing the angle dependence of luminous intensity distribution. The device is specifically made for lighting manufacturers. Ones who want to keep up with the competition and take charge of their product development early on.

It offers amazing value. Many organizations discover that the payback period is less than five years when they look at the cost of purchasing the device system. This is in comparison to the cost of shipping products to an outside lab for testing. It is this way because more frequent testing done by your own equipment leads to better products that reach the market more quickly.

LISUN is a leading goniophotometer producer. The device rotates around the luminaire on two precisely regulated axes. This is done with the use of a CCD camera, photometer, and spectrometer. You can also produce absolute photometry IES files, comprehensive LM-79 test reports, and precise spectrometer calculations, including CRI and CCT using this. This happens after the transformation of the recorded ray data into a far-field luminous intensity distribution.

Both the light source and fixture are examined independently. This is done with the help of relative photometric testing in traditional methods. And the results are then multiplied by a lamp factor for each unique luminaire. The IES file that results from this might not precisely reflect the final fixture’s light output and efficiency. The precise fixture and its temperature parameters affect the light output for SSL sources. The IES files from LISUN are based on absolute photometry. They test all possible reflector and lumen package combinations in each individual fixture.

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) AL

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) AL

These are real world calculations from the absolute photometry tests. They enable LISUN to provide our clients with more precise lighting designs. LISUN takes pride in providing high quality lighting and unmatched customer service. We can precisely measure the quality of our product. We also provide support to our customers. This is done in the form of on-demand testing services through our constantly growing facilities and testing capabilities.

Benefits of LISUN Goniophotometers
Using simple design principles
The device reduces expenses. It is done by lowering the need for highly skilled employees to deliver reliable results. A new standard of performance and usability is reached through this. This is thanks to straightforward software, precise alignment requirements and extensive automation potential. Photometric files can be exported with a single click. The device is capable of producing spectrum and color data from any angle. Despite this, it remains devoted to doing its primary task. This task is to generate IES output files as quickly and effectively as possible.

Specifications for LED measurement
LED measurements have a connection with photometric information. This information includes light distribution curves or calculations of overall luminous flux. Proper power supply conditions and electrical amount calculations must be guaranteed for the complete functionality of LED products. It is crucial to have a planned and reliable laboratory power supply.

This supply should have a comprehensive calculation procedure in a full measuring system as well. The requirement for ambient temperature monitoring should be satisfied. This is done by including temperature recording sensors in the system. LISUN offers the best measuring tools in the market. Devices like this make it easier to provide suitable working conditions. It also helps in the creation of well-rounded policies. These policies are in line with the requirements of the most recent international standards.
As opposed to traditional goniophotometers, modern goniometric systems use spectroradiometers. This is done to simultaneously measure absolute photometric values and colorimetric values.

The test and measurement lights are fixed to a rotating table with a 2-axis gimbal. This allows it to rotate in two distinct planes which are x and y. The flat black-painted, 40-foot-long measurement area has several chambers. It is also divided into sections.
The first chamber has a color measuring spectrometer. A photometer is in the final chamber which measures visible light and its intensity.

Many data points are gathered after a few hours of repeating the entire test. A dedicated super-computer analyzes these data points. It then outputs the results as an IES file. The industry standard file format for the output of light fixture data is called an IES file. It is an electronic representation of the invisible beam of light. This beam of light is complete with its direction, intensity, and other attributes.
Engineers and architects can use these IES files to create computer simulations. These simulations can be of how a specific light or a group of lights could seem in a specific room or area.

Modern technologies are important for true lighting science. This is to quantify data and offer application-specific insights. Instead of assessing their lights in a gonio, many lighting manufacturers only do so in a sphere. They only offer total energy, although it may appear good on a spec or data sheet. Sadly, this ignores the more significant patterns and intensities of light. These patterns are all that matter to plants. The most important and costly element of indoor horticulture is light. It is crucial to provide botanists, farmers, and growers with the information they need to make wise judgments.

Are all objects of the same size measured at the same distance?
For small things with a little flow, the measurement distance can be lowered without setting the measuring axis.

Is it standard practice to calibrate the entire goniometric system?
The calculation equipment must be calibrated when using a spectroradiometer or photometer. However, it is not necessary or common to adjust the entire goniometric apparatus. The manufacturer must provide an official laboratory adjustment certificate. This is done if requested by the customer.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep:  Service@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep:  Sales@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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