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27 Feb, 2015 3450 Views Author: root

Why need Auxiliary Lamp and how to use Auxiliary Lamp correctly?

According to IESNA-LM-79-80, when spectroradiometer integrating sphere system tests LED flux, light source’s self-absorption can influence test result, therefore, it usually introduces Auxiliary Lamp. The induction of absorption Auxiliary Lamp can solve the absorption problem of the tested lamp itself.

How to use Auxiliary Lamp correctly? Lisun LPCE-2(LMS-9000A) High precision Spectroradiometer & Integrating Sphere System for LED has 4 steps for measurement, shown as follow (Yellow states that the lamp is light state):
Step 1: Import the data of standard lamp, light standard lamp for system calibration, save the calibration file;

  Step 2: Close standard lamp and don’t remove, light auxiliary lamp, record the standard lamp’s absorption condition and save it as calibration file;
  Step 3: Change the standard lamp to the tested lamp, light auxiliary lamp, record the absorption condition of the lamp under test and save it as calibration file. Software can automatically calculate the spectrum self-absorption factor of standard lamp and the lamp under test;

  Step 4: Extinct the auxiliary lamp, light the lamp under test, choose the calibration files above to do test. When software calculates the result, it will automatically compensate back the spectrum absorption-factor from Step 3 to get the correct result.

This is the requirements of USA Energy Star LM-79 for Integrating Sphere LED measurement. For a sphere-photometer system, the auxiliary lamp does not have to be limited to incandescent lamps. Rather, it is advantageous to use an auxiliary lamp that has a spectral distribution similar to those of the SSL products typically measured, so that self-absorption is measured accurately especially when the self-absorption is very large (a<0.8) or when the housing of SSL product under test is large and strongly colored. The auxiliary lamp needs to be stable throughout the self-absorption measurement of all SSL products under test. A stable white LED source, for example, may be used.

Lisun LPCE-2(LMS-9000A) High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System can test LED lamps and single LED for CCT, CRI, Spectrum, Lumen, lumen efficient, power, power factor, current and voltage and so on. CIE-127-1997 and IES LM-79-80 Standards recommend using array spectroradiometer together with integrating sphere to test SSL products. The LPCE-2(LMS-9000A) also can do the LED optical maintenance test such as Flux VS time, CCT VS time, CRI VS time, Power VS time and so on which is meet LM-80.

Lisun LPCE-2(LMS-9000A) High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System is widely applied to Luminaries manufacturing enterprise and lab, such as Sharp Electronics in Memphis TN(USA), Institute for Optical Sciences (Canada), PT. SHARP SEMICONDUCTOR INDONESIA (Indonesia), TUV Rheinland InterCert Kft. (Hungary), Institute of Testing and Certification India Pvt. Ltd (India) etc. The reason why Lisun can win some many customers is because we always practice the motto of right products, right price and right service. Lisun will continue feedback good quality products and superior service in the feature.

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