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28 Dec, 2021 1811 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Why required to do vibration test and related standards

Vibration test is to simulate the various vibration environment impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation. This test is to simulate the various impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation and use environment. This kind of vibration environmental impact is used to determine whether the product can withstand various environmental vibrations.

Why required to do vibration test and related standards

Vibration test application

Vibration test is to evaluate the resistance of components, parts and the whole machine in the expected transportation and use environment. However, the purpose of vibration test is to make a series of controllable vibration simulations in the experiment to test whether the product is in the life cycle. It can withstand the test of transportation or vibration environment factors, and can also determine the required standards for product design and function. According to statistics, a 3% increase in design level will increase recycling by 20% and reduce unnecessary expenditures by 18%.

Electrodynamic Vibration Generator System

Electrodynamic Vibration Generator System

Vibration simulation has different methods for different purposes, such as resonance search, resonance dwell, cyclic scanning, random vibration and stress screening, etc. The effects of vibration include:
1. The strength of the structure.
2. The loosening of the bond.
3. Protect the material from abrasion.
4. Breakage of components.
5. Poor contact of electronic components.
6. The circuit is short-circuited and intermittently unstable.
7. The standard value deviation of each piece.
8. Screen out defective parts early.
9. Find the resonance relationship between parts, structure, packaging and transportation, and improve the resonance factors.

The procedure of the vibration test must evaluate and determine the test specifications, the authenticity of the fixture design, the functional inspection during the test and the evaluation, review and recommendations of the final test piece. The essence of the vibration test is to confirm the reliability of the product and to screen out the defective products in advance before leaving the factory, and to evaluate the failure analysis of the defective products in order to become a high-level and high-reliability product.

Commonly used vibration methods can be divided into two types: sinusoidal vibration and random vibration:
I. Sinusoidal vibration is a test method often used in laboratories to simulate the vibration generated by rotation, pulsation, and shock (appearing on ships, aircraft, vehicles, and space vehicles), as well as product structure resonance frequency analysis and resonance point stationary and mainly for verification, which is divided into two types: sweep frequency vibration and fixed frequency vibration. The severity of the vibration depends on the frequency range, amplitude value, and test duration.
II. Random vibration is used to simulate the overall structure of the product to evaluate the seismic strength and the shipping environment in the packaged state. Its severity depends on the frequency range, GRMS, test duration and axial direction.

The vibration test is divided into the following categories:
• The sinusoidal fixed frequency test is performed on the selected frequency (resonant frequency, specific frequency, or dangerous frequency) according to the specified value of the sinusoidal vibration test, and the specified time is reached.
• The sine frequency sweep test is within the specified frequency range, with a certain sweep rate from low frequency to high frequency, and then from high frequency to low frequency as a sweep frequency according to the specified value, until the specified total number of times is reached.
• Narrowband random scan test within the specified frequency range, use a narrowband random signal with a certain bandwidth on a certain center frequency to scan from low frequency to high frequency, and then from high frequency to low frequency, and reach the specified time.
• Broadband random vibration test in the specified frequency range, according to the specified spectrum shape and total root mean square value (GRMS) for broadband random vibration, and reach the specified time.
• Broadband random superimposed sinusoidal vibration test in the specified frequency range, superimposed on the basis of random vibration with sinusoidal vibration of several frequencies, and complete the test within the specified magnitude and specified time.
• Broadband random superposition narrowband random sweep vibration test is within the specified frequency range, and a number of narrowband random peaks are superimposed on the basis of wideband random vibration, and the test is completed within the specified time of the specified magnitude.

What are the functions of the vibration table that meets our lamp test?
1. Vibration direction: vertical + horizontal
2. Amplitude changes with frequency
3. The frequency sweep can be set arbitrarily (the real standard frequency sweep back and forth)
4. Adjustable maximum acceleration
5. Realization function: frequency modulation, programmable, time control
6. High precision: the frequency can be displayed to 0.01Hz, and the precision is 0.1Hz
7. Programmable function
8. Frequency multiplication function (0.01Hz): 15 segments increase in multiples ① low to high frequency ② high to low frequency ③ low to high and then to low frequency/recyclable
9. Logarithmic function (0.01Hz): ① down to up frequency ② up to down frequency ③ down to up and then down frequency-3 modes logarithm / can be cycled
10. Vibration waveform: sine wave (half wave/full wave)
11. Time control: any time can be set (in seconds)

Vibration test application field:
Road transportation: road vehicle electronic and electrical equipment, rail transit rolling stock equipment and devices, auto parts, etc.
Computers: computers, display screens, mainframes, computer components, medical equipment and other precision instruments.
Other electronic communications: mobile phones, radio frequency devices , electronic communication components, etc., PCB, PCBA.
Electrical appliances: household appliances, lamps, transformers, and other electrical appliances, instruments, medical equipment;
Others: packaging boxes, transportation equipment, etc.

Why required to do vibration test and related standards

Vibration test application

Reference standard for vibration test of lamps:
• GB70001-4, frequency 10Hz, 55Hz, 10Hz. The amplitude is 0.35mm. Frequency multiplication every minute. The lamp is in the most unfavorable normal installation direction, and the time is 30 minutes.
• GB/T4857.1-Basic test of packaging and transportation package Part 1: Labeling method of each part during the test.
• GB/T4857.2-Basic test of packaging and transportation package Part 2: Temperature and humidity adjustment treatment.
• GB/T4857.10 -2005 Basic test of packaging and transportation package Part 10: Test method of sinusoidal frequency conversion vibration.
• GB/T4857.17 -1992 Packaging and Transportation Packages Part 17: General Principles of Compiling Performance Test Program.
• GB/T4857.18 -1992 Packaging and Transportation Packages Part 18: Quantitative Data for Compiling Performance Test Program.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD SimulatorEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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