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18 Jan, 2022 1486 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester

At present, the withstand voltage tester seen on the market adopts the GB4706 (equivalent to IEC1010) standard, and the AC/DC withstand voltage and insulation resistance three-in-one withstand voltage tester with desktop structure is mostly used, which can basically meet the needs of users for testing. And most of the withstand voltage testers on the market currently use the microprocessor-controlled test method. With high test accuracy, and the technology and main performance indicators used are comparable to the advanced foreign level, which fully meets the current development of electrical safety performance testing work needs. Therefore, an economical and durable withstand voltage test system is of great significance.

Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester

Practical application of withstand voltage tester

The withstand voltage tester is mainly used for the withstand voltage test of electronic products, household appliances, electronic medical equipment, LED lighting appliances, or electronic components, and can also be used for the dielectric withstand voltage test of any other insulating materials. The traditional (simulator) withstand voltage tester uses an autotransformer and a high-voltage transformer to perform manual step-up/step-down actions, and then cooperates with some simple hardware judgment and meter to make a withstand voltage tester, so it is Has several potential problems. The program-controlled withstand voltage tester not only improves the potential problems of the traditional withstand voltage tester, but also adds new research and development technology, and also adds new test functions to the product. The following is a description of the differences between the program-controlled withstand voltage tester and the potential problems of the traditional withstand voltage tester:

Current setting function
The traditional withstand voltage tester only has Hi-Limit judgment and only a few fixed gears. If the customer needs to adjust the Hi-Limit to the required value, it may not be possible. For example, the traditional withstand voltage tester generally has five TRIP points. If its TRIP point is 1mA/3mA/5mA/10mA/100mA, and the leakage current of the DUT to be tested is 6mA and the specification is not more than 8mA, there is no suitable gear. The current setting of the program-controlled withstand voltage tester is adjustable in the full range, and the user can arbitrarily set the current value within the rated range without being limited by the gear.

Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester

LS9923 Programmable Withstanding Voltage & Insulation Test

Digital settings make it easy to adjust the required voltage
The voltage adjustment of traditional withstand voltage testers is manual adjustment and can only be adjusted roughly. Therefore, when RD or QA personnel are testing or verifying their specifications, if they need to make fine adjustments, they will not be able to do so. Program-controlled withstand voltage testers use digital settings. The required voltage can be easily adjusted. The test setting time can reach 0-999.9sec. The timer of the traditional withstand voltage tester adopts a general Timer (0-99sec), and even only has 1sec/60sec switching, which cannot be compared with the program-controlled withstand voltage tester in terms of demand and degree. (Program-controlled withstand voltage tester is 0-999.9sec).

Anti-high voltage electric shock function
Most of the output high-voltage transformers of traditional withstand voltage testers are advertised as 500VA. At the same time, many certification units also require the output transformer to reach 500VA because the traditional withstand voltage testers have no voltage stabilizer. The main reason for this problem is that the output is unstable. Therefore, a large-capacity transformer is used to reduce the voltage drop. Although this can solve the problem of voltage drop, it also causes another risk, that is, the high-voltage output transformer of 500VA. If it is calculated by 500VA O/P: P=IV→500VA=5000V×0.1A (100mA), if it is calculated by 2500V O/P /P calculation, I=200mA, if such a high current is accidentally touched, it will cause serious injury or even death (according to some data, people will react when the leakage current is 0.5mA, and when it exceeds about 60mA, the heart will stop death), so it is a very dangerous thing, but there are indeed some products that have 100mA requirements, such as IEC 60204 (Large Machine Directive), due to product structure problems, there will be large leakage currents. The program-controlled withstand voltage tester has the function of preventing high-voltage electric shock. When the abnormal current flowing through the human body is greater than the safe value of 0.45mA, the Smart-GFI circuit will immediately cut off the high-voltage output to protect the operator’s personal safety.

Power regulation function
The input is due to the autotransformer, so when the input voltage is high, its output voltage also increases, and when the input decreases, the output decreases, so it often causes misjudgment. The program-controlled withstand voltage tester is designed with a power supply voltage regulation function, that is, when the input is 115V/230V±15%, the output voltage will not change due to the input voltage.

Load regulation function
The output is only regulated by the transformer, so when the load is large or small, the output voltage will increase or decrease. The traditional withstand voltage tester will change the output size due to the load size, which means that the output voltage regulation is not good, which will cause misjudgment. Therefore, the program-controlled circuit is to increase the voltage stabilization circuit of Close Loop Feedback, so the load voltage stabilization rate is maintained within 1%.

The voltage measurement position is located on the output side of the transformer
The position of the output voltmeter of the traditional withstand voltage tester is placed at the input end (110V/220V), so the error may be very large. For this reason, there was a UL standard requirement that if the output transformer does not reach 500VA, the meter should be placed at the output end. The output meter of the program-controlled withstand voltage tester is of course placed on the output side. When the traditional withstand voltage tester is doing the DC withstand voltage test, after the test, there is still electricity left in the object to be tested and the withstand voltage tester itself. This is because the object to be tested and the withstand voltage tester have capacitors. Therefore, there is still voltage after the measurement, but the object to be tested itself has a self-discharge circuit (but it will still be charged if it is not discharged quickly), and the withstand voltage tester itself does not have an automatic discharge circuit, so you need to press Reset to force it discharge, but this will affect the test time and may cause the danger of electric shock to personnel. The program-controlled withstand voltage tester has an automatic discharge circuit, which uses the transformer to have a high inductive reactance to DC to perform rapid discharge, which can ensure that the electricity is discharged within 200ms after the test is completed.

Through the above comparison, we have clearly understood the difference between the traditional (simulator) withstand voltage tester and the program-controlled withstand voltage tester. For our LED lighting industry, it is different from traditional light sources, incandescent lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, mercury lamps, energy-saving lamps… The light source part is generally high-voltage AC (about 220v) or high-frequency high-voltage, such as energy-saving lamps. And the tube pressure required when the lamp is lit (generally 400∽800v depending on the diameter of the tube) and the high frequency and high voltage with a frequency of about 35kHz can trigger the phosphor in the lamp to emit light. When the electrical safety withstand voltage performance is concerned, an ordinary withstand voltage tester can be used. However, LED lighting products, although LED light source lamp beads have made great breakthroughs in anti-static and other aspects through the rapid development of the past 10 years, they will not be shocked by human body static electricity as soon as they touch the lamp beads like 10 years ago.

Why should choose the programmable withstand voltage tester

Simulator withstand voltage tester

We should pay special attention when testing the withstand voltage of LED lamps, because the single-bead voltage of LED light sources is usually only a few volts, although the light source boards are mostly several parallel series to meet the requirements of power and illuminance. However, when the high voltage is directly applied to the light source, the LED lamp beads will basically be damaged by the high voltage breakdown. Although there is also the protection of the LED driving power supply in front of the light source board, a small part of the sudden high voltage will pass through. The output end of the drive power reaches the light source board, which is the reason why the lamp beads flash when the LED lamps are used with traditional AC voltage-resistant machines. In fact, such detection has actually caused damage to the LED lamps ( Such damaged lamps cannot be sold to the market, but each lamp must be tested for withstand voltage according to the standard. What should we do at this time?) Some users will reduce the test voltage. For example, the standard stipulates 1500v voltage, but the actual Use 500v to test; or some manufacturers do not measure the withstand voltage in order not to damage the lamps, or some manufacturers use insulation resistance instead of the withstand voltage test. These methods and methods are all wrong. Therefore, when testing the withstand voltage of LED lamps, it is necessary to ensure that they meet the standard test requirements without damaging the LE lamps. We choose a program-controlled withstand voltage tester to meet the test requirements. Because the program-controlled withstand voltage tester can set the voltage boost rate and time, as well as the test time, and the voltage drop time (to help discharge), during the test, the instrument finds that the leakage current of the lamp exceeds the set value, the instrument will automatically cut off the output to protect the lamp from secondary damage by high voltage. In addition, because the high voltage output is not like the traditional withstand voltage machine, it will produce a blue light when it contacts the product under test (spatial contact discharge, this voltage is actually much larger than the test voltage, it is very easy to damaged LED lamps) Therefore, when testing LED lamps, everyone should try to choose the appropriate testing equipment.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD SimulatorEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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