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04 Aug, 2023 870 Views Author: Rachel He

Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber: An Essential Tool for Product Lifecycle Testing

The Xenon Aging Test Chamber is a comprehensive climate aging test device that utilizes a Xenon arc lamp to enhance material degradation tests of light energy, temperature, and humidity, simulating the full spectrum of sunlight. It is widely used in scientific research and product development, quality control and selection, and the improvement of new durable materials, covering plastics, rubber, paint, coatings, inks, paper, drugs, food, cosmetics, textiles, auto parts, packaging materials, building materials, and electronic and electrical appliances and more. The Xenon Aging Test Chamber can simulate the sunlight spectrum passing through the glass to comprehensively test the light resistance of the product to ensure the safety and reliability of actual applications.

The main cause of damage to coatings, plastics, inks, and other polymers is climate and exposure to sunlight, which can result in gloss loss, fading, yellowing, cracking, peeling, brittleness, strength reduction, and stratification. Even indoor glasses can cause pigments and dyes to fade or discolor. Therefore, the durability and light resistance of the product is extremely important for the consideration of manufacturers. Accelerated aging and light stability test equipment are widely used in material research and development, quality control and testing, with fast and reliable test results.

The climate environment has a great influence on the aging quality of organic matter, so aging tests have also been paid attention to by the rubber, plastic, paint, petrochemical, automotive, textile and other industries. In order to accurately evaluate the weather resistance of the material, the Xenon Aging Test Chamber was born. The Xenon Aging Test Chamber can simulate multiple environmental factors at the same time, the most important of which is the ability to simulate sunlight with a Xenon lamp, which has a similar spectrum distribution to sunlight and can simulate the same aging effect as sunlight. The temperature and humidity adjustment range is also wide.

Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber XD 80LS AL2

Xenon Lamp Aging Test Chamber 

In addition, the rain adopts an independent circulation system, which can inject harmful gases at the water source to change the temperature of the sample cooling water, thereby adjusting the amount of condensation on the sample surface and the surface temperature of the sample, so as to comprehensively carry out weather resistance combined tests, which have higher accuracy and reliability than outdoor natural tests. Therefore, the use of Xenon Aging Test Chamber can shorten the aging cycle, test the weather resistance of materials quickly and accurately, and meet the needs of scientific research and production development.

A Xenon Aging Test Chamber is a device used to simulate natural environmental conditions for testing the quality and reliability of industrial products. It can be used to simulate high temperature, low temperature, humidity, ultraviolet, etc. in order to enable accelerated aging of products in those environments and achieve accurate performance tests. Extreme environments such as extreme high and low temperatures are especially beneficial for understanding the product state in order to timely optimize product design.

In response to the effect of sunlight on products, the Xenon Aging Test Chamber can be used for photochemical aging tests to simulate the effect of sunlight exposure. The sun contains large amounts of ultraviolet rays which can affect the materials and surface coating of products, leading to discoloration, aging, cracking, etc. It enables quick understanding of the performance of products in the photochemical aging tests, and timely improvements and optimizations can be made based on the test results. This way, the product quality and life expectancy can be improved.

The Xenon Aging Test Chamber can also be used for aging tests of various materials such as plastics, rubber, coatings, metals, etc. Through the tests, we can quickly notice the behavior of materials in different environments and gain a basis for product improvements and selection. It is a great aged-testing tool which is convenient and versatile to all kinds of environment requirements.

In the automotive, aeronautic, electronic, and medical industries, the Xenon Aging Test Chamber can be used to test products by simulating various environments and quickly exposing them in order to detect performance, quality, and reliability of products so as to ensure product quality.

In summary, the Xenon Aging Test Chamber is an efficient material aging testing and special industry product testing instrument. It can simulate the conditions of all kinds of natural environments and test the development trend of changes in the surface and internal of the material, so as to evaluate the reliability of the product in use. It can provide high-quality and high-efficiency aging test services for enterprises to help them improve the quality and market competitiveness of their products to cope with the increasingly fierce market competition.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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