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Transformer Comprehensive Tester

Product No: LS2789

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  • Description
  • LS2789 series transformer comprehensive tester is a new generation of transformer tester. This series of testers are the new wisdom of the project team with more than 10 years of research and development, sales and service experience in the transformer testing industry. In meeting the requirements of high stability, achieving the ultimate measurement speed will once again promote the progress of the entire transformer testing industry.
    This series of instruments uses a 7-inch true color LCD screen with 800×480 resolution to achieve full screen display of all parameters. A variety of operating interfaces are available to adapt to different user preferences. Transformer scan boxes are available from 20Pin to 192Pin to meet the needs of various transformer tests.

    The following are product models and differences, please purchase according to your needs:
    •  LS2789: 20Hz ~ 200kHz, resolution 1mHz
    •  LS2789A: 20Hz ~ 300kHz, resolution 1mHz
    •  LS2789B: 20Hz ~ 500kHz, resolution 1mHz

    •  0.05% basic measurement accuracy
    •  Keyboard lock function, data protection function against power down
    •  Open circuit, short circuit, load and deviation deduction correction function
    •  PASS/FAIL LED display, volume combination control
    •  The instrument supports dual operating system (optional). Chinese and English are available and with a variety of display styles
    •  Support U disk upgrade to provide users with the latest operating experience.
    •  Optional LS27Y09: ±100mA built-in bias current source.
    •  Optional LS27Y10: built-in 0 ~ 1A constant current source.
    •  Programmable up to 96-pin transformers
    •  Divided into 4 channels, each channel 24P
    •  Support cross-channel testing
    •  Can be customized 25P×4, up to 100P products
    •  Four-terminal test mode, optimized matrix structure
    •  Good shrapnel contact performance, long life
    •  Low distributed capacitance, good test effect

    Function and parameter

    Display range

    Test parameter(LCR)


    C, L, X, B, R, G, D, Q, ESR, Rp, DCR, θ, |Z|, |Y|, TURN, P


    |Z|, R, X, DCR


    0.01 mΩ~99.9999MΩ


    Test parameters



    Turn ratio, number of turns, inductance, capacitance, leakage, phase, quality factor, AC resistance, DC resistance, balance, pin short circuit


    |Y|, G, B




    Test signal level

    0.005~2Vrms(Customizable: 0.005~5Vrms)



    Signal source

    output impedance

    10Ω/CC, 25Ω, 50Ω, 100Ω, 10/100Ω



    Test speed

    Fast speed 75 times/SEC, medium speed 20 times/SEC, slow speed 6 times/SEC (frequency above 1kHz), super fast speed 150 times/SEC



    Trigger mode

    Internal, manual, automatic, external, bus



    Internal DC bias voltage

    -10VDC ~ +10VDC



    Equivalent circuit

    Series and parallel



    Range mode

    Automatic, manual


    -179.999 o~179.999 o



    Ten-gear sorting, BIN0~BIN9, NG, AUX



    PASS/FAILLED Display

    Volume and weight

    400mm*132mm*300mm, 8.5Kg
