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Bulk Current Injection Test System

Product No: LSBCI-40

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  • Description
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  • LSBCI-40 Bulk Current Injection Test System(BCI)fully meet standard ISO11452-4, GB/T32960.2-2016 and etc. It supports to open-loop test method and closed-loop test method (Add options according to customer requirement), 100KHz ultra-low starting frequency which is enough to meet the test requirements of global auto companies.

    ISO11452-4  “Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy- Part 4:Harness excitation methods”
    GB/T32960.2-2016 “Technical specifications of remote service and management system for electric vehicles–Part 2: On-board terminal”

    System Configuration
    1. Bulk Current Injection Host Machine
    • Test current: ≥300mA
    • Output impedance: 50Ω
    • Voltage standing wave ratio: ≤1.2
    2. Signal Source (Built-in Host Machine)
    • Frequency: 9K~1GHz (Maximum can scalable up to 3GHz)
    3. Power Amplifier (Built-in Host Machine)
    • Maximum output power: 125W (Linear power)
    4. Power Meter (Built-in Host Machine)
    • Input frequency: 9KHz~1GHz
    • Input power: -40dBm~+30dBm
    5. Directional Coupler (Built-in Host Machine): Coupling 40dB
    6. F-120-6A Current Injection Probe: Maximum input power 1000W
    7. F-52B Current Monitoring Probe: Maximum input power 1000W
    8. FCC-BCICF-1 Calibration Fixture for Current Injection Probe: Fixing fixture for flow injection probe
    9. Artificial Power Network: Simulate actual line impedance
    10. Software: Chinese and English software which support Win7, Win8 and Win10, Win11
    11. Magenetic Shielding Room: SDR-4000B inside size is 4000*1200*1800mm (option, the size can be designed according to customer request)

    LSBCI 40 Data

    LSBCI-40 Data

    LSBCI 40 Open Loop Test

    LSBCI-40 Open Loop Test

    LSBCI 40 Closed Loop Test

    LSBCI-40 Closed Loop Test

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  • LSBCI-40 Bulk Current Injection Test System Brochure ISO11452-4-2011 Standard Free Down Load GBT32960.2-2016 Standard Free Download