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Coupling Decoupling Network for Communication Lines

Product No: CDN61000-5C

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  • The CDN61000-5C Series Coupling Decoupling Network for Communication Lines fully meets IEC 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-5, GB/T 17626.5, ITU-T K.45, ITU-T K.21 and ITU-T K.20. The output surge waveforms are Combine wave (1.2/50μs and 8/20μs) and CCITT wave (10/700μs and 5/320μs). CDN61000-5C Series can works with LISUN SG61000-5 Series Surge Generator to test all of the communication lines, signal wires and control cables. 

    IEC 61000-4-5/EN61000-4-5/GB/T17626.5 “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test


    LISUN Model CDN61000-5C-H8CC CDN61000-5C-H8BC CDN61000-5C-M8TK CDN61000-5C-M4CC CDN61000-5C-M4BC CDN61000-5C-L4BK
    Data Rate ≤1000MB/s ≤10MB/s ≤100kB/s
    EUT Channel 8 Channels 4 Channels
    Coupling Waveform 10/700μs and 5/320μs 1.2/50μs and 8/20μs 1.2/50μs and 8/20μs、10/700μs and 5/320μs 10/700μs and 5/320μs 1.2/50μs and 8/20μs
    Coupling Mode Common Mode Common Mode and Differential Mode Common Mode Common Mode and Differential Mode
    Port Type Unshielded Symmetrical Lines Unshielded Symmetrical Lines, unshielded asymmetric line Unshielded Symmetrical Lines Unshielded Symmetrical Lines, unshielded asymmetric line
    Max Surge Voltage 6KV (Note: 1.2/50μs CDN must work with SG61000-5 Generator; 10/700μs CDN must work with SG61000-5C Generator (SG61000-5C already has a built-in CDN61000-5C-M4CC)
    EUT Type Ethernet and LAN (such as RJ45) LIN, CAN, RS485, RS232, RS422, 4-20mA LIN, RS232
    Remark: In the model CDN61000-5C-H8BC, CDN61000-5C means the CDN for communication lines, H/M/L means 1000MB/s or 10MB/s or 100kB/s speed, 8/4 means how many channels, B/C/T means 1.2/50μs or 10/700μs or 1.2/50μs and 10/700μs, D/C/K means differential mode/common mode/differential and common mode.

    CDN61000-5C-H Series Coupling Decoupling Network for High Speed Communication Lines

    CDN61000-5C-M Series Coupling Decoupling Network for Low Speed Communication Lines

  • CDN61000-5C Calibrate Certificate CDN61000-5C-H8BC Calibrate Certificate CDN61000-5C-M8TK Calibrate Certificate