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ESD Simulator Guns

Product No: ESD61000-2

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  • What is a ESD test?
    The static electricity generated by the human body to the object or between two objects may cause the electrical and electronic equipment circuits to malfunction or even be damaged. The ESD generator is designed for the withstanding ESD performance measurement for the assessment of electrical and electronic equipment. ESD61000-2/ESD61000-2A has a LCD touch screen in both English and Chinese. 

    What is an esd simulator gun used for?
    Electrostatic discharge simulator is highest electrostatic voltage can be up to 30 kv, which is enough to cover the most severe standard grade of electrostatic voltage requirement (the voltage requirements of the level 4 air discharge electrostatic is 15 KV). The ESD test gun can be used for the most of electrical and electronic equipment for electrostatic discharge test, and also can ensure comparability and reproducibility of test.

    IEC 61000-4-2/EN61000-4-2/GB/T17626.2 “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity test”
    ISO10605 “Road Vehicles Test Methods for Electrical Disturbances from Electrostatic Discharge”
    GB/T17215.322/IEC 62053-23:2003 “Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – Particular requirements – Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)”


    Product Model ESD61000-2 ESD61000-2A
    Output Voltage 0.1~20kV±5% 0.1~30kV±5%
    Polarity Positive/Negative Positive/Negative
    Energy Storage Capacitance 150pF±10% (Replaceable) 150pF±10% (Replaceable)
    Discharge Resistor 330Ω±5% (Replaceable) 330Ω±5% (Replaceable)
    Current Rise Time 0.6~1ns 0.6~1ns
    Testing Functions Single, Count, 20pps, Air, Contact, IEC level Single, Count, 20pps, Air, Contact, IEC level
    Number of Discharge 1~9999 1~9999
    Repetition 0.05s~99.99s 0.05s~99.99s
    Working Power AC110~240V, 50/60Hz AC110~240V, 50/60Hz

    Calibrate Report:

    Output Voltage (kV) First Peak Current (A) Current at 30ns (A) Current at 60ns (A) Rise Time (ns)
    2 7.29 4.10 2.20 0.93
    4 15.40 7.90 4.30 0.97
    6 23.20 12.10 6.50 0.97
    8 29.40 16.20 9.30 0.89
    -2 7.39 3.50 2.30 0.92
    -4 15.50 7.70 4.30 0.89
    -6 23.40 11.90 6.30 0.90
    -8 31.80 16.10 8.20 0.90

    Suggestions 1:
    We suggest you choose LISUN ESD-DESK ESD Gun Test Desk which is fully meet IEC/EN61000-4-2 and GB/T17626.2 to work with ESD61000-2 electrostatic discharge gun, the ESD-DESK already includes the following accessories: Test table, reference metal grounding plate, vertical coupling plate, horizontal coupling plate, insulating pad and 470K resistance cable.

    ESD Standard DESK

    Suggestions 2:
    We suggest you choose LISUN ESD-CALA ESD Gun Calibrate Set which is fully meet IEC/EN61000-4-2 Ed2.0 and GB/T17626.2 to work with ESD61000-2 electrostatic discharge gun. The ESD-CALA includes the following accessories: ESD Gun target mounting plate, ESD Gun calibration target, 20dB attenuator and cable for connecting oscilloscope and gun target.

    ESD-CALA ESD Gun Calibrate Set

    LISUN ESD61000-2 ESD Simulator Guns – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
    LISUN ESD61000-2 ESD Simulator Guns were in the market for more than 10 years, LISUN engineers service team already summary the most of the After Sales Questions and Answers in the above link. Please read it carefuly, you can solve the most of the problems by yourself if you have some questions while using the instruments. LISUN will be continue to update this pages and more FAQ can be found in this topic link. 

    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia

    A good supplier for our company, the engineer is professional on training. We are considering to order more from LISUN.

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  • ESD61000 -2 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator - Introduction Video


    ESD61000 -2 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator - Operation Video

  • ESD61000-2 Calibrate Certificate EN61000-4-2 1995 Standard Free Download IEC61000-4-2 2008 Standard Free Download ISO 10605 2008 Standard Free Download