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Surge Generator

Product No: SG61000-5

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  • The SG61000-5 is an automatic surge generator (also called lightning surge immunity test, combination wave generator, surge current generator/surge voltage generator, combined surge voltage and current generator) . 

    How does a surge generator work?
    The SG61000-5 surge generator provides a common basis for evaluating the resistance of power cords and internal connectors of different equipment to high energy transient interference caused by natural lightning surge induction and large capacity load switching. 

    IEC 61000-4-5/EN61000-4-5/GB/T17626.5 “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test”


    LISUN Model SG61000-5SA SG61000-5 SG61000-5H-SP SG61000-5H15-SP SG61000-5H20-SP SG61000-5C
    Output Voltage
    1.2/50μs±20% 1.2/50μs±20% 1.2/50μs±20% 1.2/50μs±20% 1.2/50μs±20% 10/700μs±20%
    Output Current
    8/20μs±20% 8/20μs±20% 8/20μs±20% 8/20μs±20% 8/20μs±20% 5/320μs±20%
    Output Impedance 2Ω and 12Ω 2Ω and 12Ω 2Ω, 12Ω and 500Ω 2Ω, 12Ω and 500Ω 2Ω, 12Ω and 500Ω 15Ω and 40Ω
    Output Voltage
    0~4.8KV±5% 0~6KV±5% 0~10KV±5% 0~15KV±5% 0~20KV±5% 0~6KV±5%
    Output Current
    0~2.4KA±5% 0~3KA±5% 0~5KA±5% 0~7.5KA±5% 0~10KA±5% 0~150A±5%
    Surge Repetition 1~9999 times 1~9999 times 1~9999 times 1~9999 times 1~9999 times 1~9999 times
    Polarity Positive, Negative or Automatic switching
    Phase Shift Asynchronous, Synchronization 0°~ 360° or Specific Angle
    Special Function N/A Built-in High voltage and current 2000:1 attenuator probe (6KV or less than 6KV surge generator is 1000:1), the probe can connect with LISUN OSP1102 directly
    Operation Way Button Input Touch screen with super big LCD and built-in Windows CE
    44*45*35cm 44*45*35cm 72*61*175cm 72*61*175cm 90*80*175cm 44*45*35cm
    Gross Weight About 30kg About 30kg About 120kg About 150kg About 180kg About 30kg
    Coupling Decoupling Network
    (Built-in CDN)
    Includes a AC440V/16A single phase CDN

    Include a 4Lines

    CDN for Power Lines
    (External Optional)
    It can be selected according to the maximum output voltage of the surge and the maximum input of the EUT. Please visit LISUN CDN61000-5P to learn more details. N/A
    CDN for Communication Lines
    (External Optional)
    It can be selected according to the type of EUT, data transmission rate and surge output waveform. Please visit LISUN CDN61000-5C to learn more details.
    Isolution Transformer
    for EUT
    (External Optional)
    LISUN ITEU-SP4K (220V Single Phase) or ITUS-SP2K (110V Single Phase) N/A

    Over 10KV Surge Generator SG61000-5H

    Remarks: Single-phase 12KV surge generator SG61000-5H12-SP, single-phase 30KV surge generator SG61000-5H30-SP, three-phase 12KV surge generator SG61000-5H12, three-phase 20KV surge generator SG61000-5H20 are not listed in the table, please Contact LISUN directly for the quotation.

    Due to the high voltage risk during the surge test, we suggest you choose the Protect Device for Surge Test PD-E01 to work with Surge Generator SG61000-5 (The internal size of PD-E01 is 700*440*392mm for EUT, other sizes can be designed accordingly.)

    Protect Device for Surge Test PD-E01

    We suggest you choose LISUN SG-DESK Surge Generator desk and Isolation Transformer to work with SG61000-5 Surge Generator.

    SG-DESK Surge Generator Desk

    What is a combination wave?
    Combination Wave Generator (CWG) sends a voltage impulse into an open circuit while also delivering a current impulse into a short circuit to mimic both of these situations. The SG61000-5 Surge Generator’s combination wave is 1.2/50μs and 8/20μs as below:

    6KV Short Circuit Current Output Waveform (780:1)                 6KV Open Circuit Voltage Output Waveform (1000:1)

    LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator were in the market for more than 10 years, LISUN engineers service team already summary the most of the After Sales Questions and Answers in the above link. Please read it carefuly, you can solve the most of the problems by yourself if you have some questions while using the instruments. LISUN will be continue to update this pages and more FAQ can be found in this topic link. 

    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia
    Ni Jia

    A good supplier for our company, the engineer is professional on training. We are considering to order more from LISUN.

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  • SG61000-5 Surge Generator - Introduction Video


    SG61000-5 Surge Generator - Operation Video

  • SG61000-5T Calibrate Certificate SG61000-5SA Calibrate Certificate SG61000-5H12 Calibrate Certificate SG61000-5H15 Calibrate Certificate SG61000-5 Calibrate Certificate EN61000-4-5 1995 Standard Free Download IEC61000-4-5 2014 Standard Free Download GB∕T17626.5-2019 Standard Free Lownload