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1200-hour Moist Carbon Dioxide-Sulfur Dioxide-air Test Chamber

Product No: SQCO-300

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  • Description
  • The SQCO-300 mixed gas corrosion test chamber uses two gases, sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and carbon dioxide (CO₂), to accelerate the corrosion of materials or products in a certain temperature environment. It can reproduce the degree of damage that materials or products suffer within a certain period of time. This test chamber is also useful for comparing the process quality of similar protective layers, evaluating the corrosion resistance of protective layers of components, electronic components, metal materials, electrical and electronic products, as well as industrial products in the mixed gas environment.

    The SQCO-300 mixed gas corrosion test chamber can heat the test working space to the specified temperature and maintain it constantly. A certain amount of corrosive gases are introduced into the chamber with a specified volume, and when the gas concentration reaches the standard, the corrosion test on materials or products can be carried out.


    Standards UL 50E:2015 Clause 8.8.2;
    Dimensions 300L (internal dimensions: 900*600*550mm, external dimensions: 1400*730*1550mm)
    Test Environment Conditions The air around the equipment should be smooth, with no high – concentration dust, no corrosive or flammable and explosive gases. 
    Ambient temperature: 5~30℃ Relative humidity: ≤85%RH
    Temperature Range 20℃~50℃(Adjustable)
    Temperature Uniformity ≤±2℃
    Temperature Fluctuation ≤±0.5℃
    Temperature Resolution 0.01℃
    Humidity Generation Method Bottom water tank type (10ml/0.0003m³)
    Sulfur Dioxide Concentration 0.1%~1% (volume percentage)
    Carbon Dioxide Concentration 0.1%~1% (volume percentage)
    Gas Generation Method Cylinder Method
    Concentration Measurement Method Calculate the volume ratio through formulas and then measure with an anti – corrosion mass flow meter. The gas flow value can be set on the controller.
    Gas Flow Use anti-corrosion mass flow meter  according to test requirements (adjustable)
    Test Time ~9999 hours (Adjustable)
    Power Single-phase 220V (110V can be customized), 2KW

    UL 50E:2015 Clause 8.8.2
