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Spectral Radiance Colorimeter

Product No: KS-960

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  • Description
  • Features:

    • KS-960 features high dynamic range, high speed, and high precision.
    • Enables HDR measurement of high-brightness LEDs such as Micro LED and Mini LED without the need for an ND filter.
    • Supports high-speed and high-precision luminance and chromaticity measurement.
    • Equipped with a 4.3-inch touchscreen display for touch control of various settings and direct reading of measurement data.
    • Offers four motorized switchable measurement angles, suitable for both R&D and production line use.
    • Provides intuitive display of spectral distribution, CIE chromaticity diagram, dominant wavelength, and peak wavelength.
    • Optional flicker measurement function available.

    Test interface


    LISUN Model KS-960 KS-960A
    Wavelength Range 380 – 780nm
    Wavelength Accuracy ±0.3nm
    Spectral Wavelength Width Below 5nm (half-wave width)
    Measuring Angles Four electrically switchable measuring angles(2°、1°、0.2°、0.1° )
    Minimum Brightness Display 0.00001cd/m²
    Minimum Spectral Radiance Display 10⁻⁹W/(sr•m²•nm)
    Spatial Measurement Function Chromaticity coordinates、color temperature、tristimulus values、dominant wavelength
    Luminance Measuring Range(2°) 0.01 – 20,000cd/m² 0.001 – 10,000cd/m²
    Luminance Measuring Range(1°) 0.03 – 100,000cd/m² 0.003 – 100,000cd/m²
    Luminance Measuring Range(0.2°) 0.75 – 500,000cd/m² 0.075 – 500,000cd/m²
    Luminance Measuring Range(0.1°) 3 – 1,200,000cd/m² 0.3 – 1,200,000cd/m²
    Chromaticity Accuracy x, y: ±0.002@(A light source)
    Luminance Repeatability 1%@A light source (0.01 – 5cd/m²);0.5%@A light source (>5cd/m²)
    Chromaticity Repeatability 0.002 @A light source (2°,0.01 – 5cd/m²);0.002 @A light source (2°,>5cd/m²)
    Switch Measurement Angle Mode Electric
    Operating Temperature 5 – 50°C
    Communication USB/LAN/WIFI/RS232 one or multiple

    Typical applications:

    • FPD optical property measurement, analysis and evaluation;
    • Micro LED, Mini LED optical analysis;
    • Mobile phone & backlight module brightness and chromaticity analysis;
    • Illuminated character brightness and chromaticity analysis;
    • Car dashboard, central control display brightness and chromaticity analysis;
    • Interior atmosphere lighting analysis;
    • Brightness analysis of luminous products;
    • Brightness and chromaticity measurement of various light sources.

    Typical Applications
