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Masks Flame Retardant Performance Tester

Product No: WKS-1208

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  • Description
  • WKS-1208 Masks Flame Retardant Performance Tester is used to test the burning performance of the mask after contacting the flame at a certain linear velocity. It is a special test instrument for the flame retardant performance of masks.

    GB 19083-2010, YY 0469-2011, GB 2626-2006, GB 19083-2003


    Line speed of head mould automatic movement


    Flame height

    40±4mm ajustable

    Height between flame and burner tip


    Temperature between flame and burner tip


    The distance between the top of the burner and the lowest point of the mask


    Height of burner

    Adjustment range: 30mm

    Wall thickness of the metal head mold

    2~3mm, flame and burning resistance



    Continuous ignition time and ignition time timer

    0~9999.9s, accuracy±0.1s

    Power supply

    AC220V, 50Hz, 50W



    • PLC touch screen control system; make the test more convenient, easy to operate and visualize.
    • The mask fixture is a metal human head mold which can fully simulate the actual use of the mask.
    • The height of the burner is adjustable.
    • The burner is automatic timing positioning.
    • The burning time and flame retardant time are automatically recorded and displayed digitally.
    • Equipped with flame temperature measurement probe and flame temperature indicator.
    • Automatic control system, automatic ignition.
    • The burner is equipped with combustible gas interfaces such as propane (liquefied petroleum gas).
    • Automatic timing, automatic storage of test data, easy to retrieve experiment report.
    • Equipped with flame temperature measurement and detection thermocouple.
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