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Medical Masks Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester

Product No: WKS-8010

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  • Description
  • WKS-8010 Medical Masks Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester is to test the mask material with synthetic blood under continuous pressure, and visually inspect the penetration of synthetic blood on the material. It is suitable for the resistance of masks to the penetration of synthetic blood under different levels of test pressure.

    GB 19083-2010, YY0469-2011




    Pressure range




    Injection distance

    300mm±10mm adjustable

    Nozzle diameter


    Injection pressure

    10.6 KPa(80 mmHg) 16 KPa(120 mmHg) 21.3 KPa(160 mmHg)

    Injection speed

    450cm/s, 550cm/s, 635cm/s



    Power supply

    AC 220V, 50Hz


    • The instrument uses a gas source that can provide (20 ± 1) kPa pressure to continuously pressurize the sample without being limited by the space of the test site.
    • The instrument equipped with a pressure gauge to display the pressure, the pressure is adjustable.
    • Use pressurized medium: compressed air.
    • The special stainless steel penetrating test tank ensures a firm grip on the sample, and prevent synthetic blood from splashing around.
    • Square metal blocking net: Open space ≥50%; bending≤5mm at 20kPa.
    • Digital timer, accuracy: ±1s.
    • The instrument has a clamp that can generate 13.5Nm torque.
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