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IEC 61386-1 Clause 12 Figure 8 Heat Resistance Test Device for Cable Conduit

Product No: LS-GWC-1

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  • Description
  • The LS-GWC-1 Heat Resistance Test Device for Cables is used for testing the heat resistance performance of non-metallic and composite conduits, in accordance with the requirements of  IEC 61386-1:2020 Clause 12 Figure 8 (GB/T 20041.1-2015 Clause 12 Figure 8) “Conduit systems for electrical installations- Part 1: General requirements”, IEC 60614:1994 (JG 3050/ZBG 33008 )  “Part 1: General Requirements, Conduits for Electrical Installations”.

    • Steel rod diameter: 6mm
    • Steel rod weight: 500g
    • Impact Weight: 0.5KG, 0.5KG, 1.0KG, 2.0KG, 4.0KG and 8.0KG
    •  According to the standard, it is necessary to select and use the 400℃ High Temperature Chamber GW-225-400 as a matching accessory.

    Operation Instructions:
    • Cut the required catheter into samples with a length of 100 ± 5mm. Place the samples along with this instrument in an oven for 4 hours ± 5 minutes, with the temperature inside the oven based on Table 2 of IEC 61386-1:1996 (GB 20041.1-2005 )”onduit systems for electrical installations- Part 1:General requirements”, with an error of ± 2°C.
    • After the heating stage is completed, lift the steel rod, place it on the specimen, and apply the corresponding weights to exert force for 24 hours ± 15 minutes, ensuring that the load is perpendicular to the axis of the conduit.
    • The total load applied to the specimen, including the steel rod, should comply with the standard, and the load should be applied to the middle part of the specimen. The specimen should then be allowed to cool to room temperature under the applied load.
    • Then remove the load and immediately allow the relevant gauge to pass through the specimen, which is in a vertical position, without any initial velocity and under its own weight, through the conduit.

    Table 2- Upper Temperature range

    Figure 8 Test apparatus for resistance to test

