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IEC 60245-1 Clause | IEC 60227-2 Clause 3.2 Figure 2 Static Flexibility Test Machine for Flexible Cables

Product No: WDT-3

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  • Description
  • The WDT-3 Static Flexibility Test Machine for Flexible Cables fully meet fully meet IEC 60245-1:2008 Clause (GB/T 5013.1-2008 Clause, IEC 60245-2:2008 Clause 3.2 Figure 2 (GB/T 5013.2-2008 Clause 3.2 Figure 2), IEC 60227-1:2024 Clause (GB/T 5023.1-2008 Clause, IEC 60227-2:2008 Clause 3.2 Figure 2 (GB/T 5023.2-2008 Clause 3.2 Figure 2). It used for the Static Flexibility Test of Flexible Cables in the mechanical strength test (Note: This test is not suitable for cables with more than two concentric layers with a conductor nominal cross-section of more than 18 cores).

    Test principle: The 3m long sample is initially 200mm at the clamping end, and then one end is moved to bend the Flexible Cable into a standard U shape, and the distance between the two clamping ends is measured.

    • Flexural length: 200 -1500(mm)
    • Sample outer diameter: φ6 – 32(mm)
    • Sample length: 3000±5% (mm)
    • Height above ground: 1500mm
    • Overall dimensions (length*width*height): 2000*400*1800mm

    IEC 60245-1: 2007 Clause

    IEC 60245-2: 1998 Clause 3.2 Figure 2
