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Wire Abrasion Testing Machine

Product No: LS-B36

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  • Description
  • The wire abrasion testing machine is fully based on IEC 60227-1 Clause4.2.3, and is suitable for abrasion test of finished soft cables.


    Fixed Shaft Diameter 40+0.3mm
    Test Rate Single direction 40 +1 times/min
    Test Stroke Up and down movement within a distance of 0.1 m
    Weights 500 +5 g (3 pieces)
    Test Count 0 to 999,999 times, presettable
    Power Supply AC220V+ 10%/50-60Hz
    Working Temperature 0-40°C
    Working Humidity 30%-90%
    Equipment Dimensions 800x600x1000mm

    IEC 60227-1 Clause4.2.3
