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IEC 60884-1 Clause 24.12 Mechanical Strength for Checking the Space Between the Mobile Socket and the Wall for Hanging and the Insulation Layer Between Live Parts

Product No: SMT-2126

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  • Description


    The probe part is made of 304 stainless steel and the handle is made of POM.

    Probe size

    Ф3mm, the end is SR1.5 ball head

    Force Application Method

    The push-pull force gauge is connected to the M6 threaded hole at the end of the handle to achieve various pushing forces.

    The Applied Force Value

    1.5 times the value specified in Table 16.

    IEC 60884-1 “Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes- Part1:General requirements” clause 24.12

    IEC 60884-1:2006 Clause 24.12
