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Test Probe 18 of IEC 61032 8,6mm Small Finger Probes

Product No: SMT-1218

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  • Description
  • Small Finger Probe 8,6 Test Probe 18 of IEC61032. Conforms to: Standard IEC61032-1997.

    IEC61032 Figure 12 -Test probe 18 (small finger probe ∅ 8,6)

    •  Finger: metal material
    •  Handle: insulating material

    NOTE: Please note SMT-1218 is without cable. If you want to test with Low-voltage Test Supply LISUN model is SMT-529CV, you may choose SMT-1819 with cables. 

    Technology Parameter:
    Knurled finger diameter: 8.6 mm
    Head radius: 4.3 mm
    Knurled finger length: 57.9 mm(three knurls, 19.3 mm/knurl)

    The extension of the handle represents the arm of the child. And the handle is provided with an extension 451,6mm long, and the probe should be applied with or without this extension, whichever is the more onerous condition. Both joints shall permit movement in the same plane and the same direction through an angle of 90°. This probe is intended to simulate access to hazardous parts by children of more than 36 months and less than 14 years.

    IEC 61032 “Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures – Probes for verification”

    Test Probe 18 of IEC 61032 8,6 mm Small Finger Probes

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