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IEC 61032 Test Probe C with Cable

Product No: SMT-1203C

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  • Description
  • Basic Introduction:
    1. According to: IEC 61032:1997 / IEC 60529:2001 / IEC 60065 / IEC 60598 and UL
    2. IP3X Test Probe C ( Test Probe C) is the necessary tool to proceed protecting electric shock test of household and similar electrical appliances.

    Technical parameter:
    1. Rod length: 100 mm
    2. Rod diameter: 2.5 mm
    3. Circular-baffle diameter: 35 mm
    4. Handle diameter: 10 mm
    5. Handle length: 100 mm
    6. According to IEC 61032 figure 3 (the Test probe C). Table 6 GB/T 4208-2008 (the first characteristic digital 3)

    1. Standard test refers to the joint part can’t touch the live parts or close to the dangerous parts. and 35mm circular baffle can not be enter.
    2. In the test requirement for preventing access to the hazardous parts. Test Probe C need to be with push force 3±0.3N.

    This probe is intended to verify the basic protection against access to hazardous parts. It’s also used to verify the protection against access with a tool.

    For products without thrust, please use with a push-pull force gauge.

    IEC 61032 “Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures – Probes for verification”
    IEC 60529 “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)”
    IEC 60065 “Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements”
    IEC 60598-1 “Luminaires – Part 1: General requirements and tests”
    UL, GB/T 4208

    Test Probe C with Cable with IEC61032

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