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EN 60745-1:2003 Hand-held motor-operated electric tools -Safety -Part 1:General requirements

The standard EN 60745-1:2003, “Hand-held motor-operated electric tools — Safety — Part 1: General requirements,” outlines the safety specifications for hand-held electric tools powered by motors. It sets out fundamental requirements to protect users from hazards arising during intended use and foreseeable misuse. The standard covers aspects like protection against electric shock, mechanical hazards, abnormal operation, temperature limits, and resistance to heat and moisture, ensuring tools are safe under various environmental conditions.

It also specifies test methods to verify compliance with safety requirements, addressing insulation, durability, and structural integrity. The standard applies to a wide range of hand-held power tools, establishing a baseline for design and manufacturing to minimize risks and enhance user safety. This helps manufacturers create reliable products that meet consistent safety benchmarks across different markets.

LISUN supplies the fully test solutions for the following EN 60745-1:2003, please see the below excel table:

EN 60745-1:2003 Clause and Subject LISUN MODEL
9.3 Test pin of Figure 2 SMT-1213
12 Heating WS-1
13 Leakage current WB2675D
14.1 protection against moisture JL-X
14.3 proof against humid conditions GDJS-015B
20.2 impact test apparatus IK01-07
20.3 dropped test LS-B33
20.4 Test torques CH338
24.12 Felxing Test SW-6
28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation CK-1
29.1 Resistance to heat
Annex J Resistance to heat and fire
29.2 Glow Wire Tester ZRS-3H
Annex E Glow-wire test
29.3 resistance to tracking TTC-1
30 Resistance to rusting YWX/Q-010
31 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards EN62471-C
Annex D Burning test HVR-LS
Annex F Needle-flame test ZY-3

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